Stirrings at Bethesda
Weekly Publication of Bethesda Baptist Church
April 28, 2014
Julie’s Mission Trip
You still have time to financially contribute to support Julie’s 10 week mission trip to San Diego. She will be leaving in a month or so. Even if you cannot give, please pray for her and the team.
LADIES Book Study
Three more weeks remaining in the Ladies Book Study. You meet again this Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming Activities
1. Bethesda Academy, Monday, 6:30 p.m.
2. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
3. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
4. Bethesda Men Breakfast & Book Study, Saturday, 8 a.m.
5. Church Council meeting, Saturday, 9 a.m.
6. Sunday School, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
7. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
8. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.
The Bethesda Academy
Tonight (Monday) we complete our review of the Gospels concerning future events. Our next stop will be the book of Revelation where we will conduct an overview of the end of time. Plenty of time to join us for the remainder of this study. We meet Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
Recent Prayer Requests
* Cynthia Wordlaw and her family in the death of her mother. Also Cynthia’s need for a kidney.
* Elijah Mueller
* Alicia’s mother
* Meghan Bartner
* Zachary Mueller
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Debbie, recovering from foot surgery
* Prayer for the conversions of the lost, especially those in our community
* Praise to the Lord for our visitors
* Our church and need for revival
Congratulations to…
Tom Wildgrube celebrates a birthday on Saturday, May 3. Happy Birthday!
“Exemplary conduct serves as a constant reprimand to wrong doers and is an incentive for them to turn from their delinquency.”
Robert Thomas
Coming Sunday…
“Peace and Grace” from 2 Thessalonians 3:16-18 will close out our exposition of Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians.
Sermon Seconds
The 3 verses we examined yesterday are interesting from a number of points of view. One of those has to do with the vocabulary the Apostle uses. In verse 13, Paul instructs us not to weary doing good. The words “doing good” comes from a compound Greek word, kalopoieo, and is used only in this verse by any New Testament writer.
In verse 14, we are told to “take note” of any believer who is disobedient. The phrase translates a single word, semeioo, which was used to describe signing for a formal notice. Like kalopoieo, it is also only used here in Scripture. The noun form of the word, semeion, is often translated “sign”. In fact the word is used repeatedly by John in his Gospel to describe the signs of Jesus. John saw the Lord’s miracles not from the perspective of their power or from wonder but as a pointer to the worker of the miracle, namely Jesus. These signs “marked” Him as the Incarnate God.
Also in verse 14 Paul tells us that after we take note of the disobedient we are to “have nothing to do” with him. Once again this phrase is the translation of one Greek word, sunanamignumi. This word is a combination of three Greek words:
* sun = “together with”
* ana = “again, up”
* mignumi = “to mix, mingle”
So the compound word means “to mix up together with”. We might worship together with the disobedient but we are not to get mixed up together with them. In other words, avoid close and intimate associations with those who are living in disobedience to God.
Pastor’s Postscript
This Sunday marks the conclusion of our exposition of the Thessalonian correspondence. These 2 letters mark some of the Apostle Paul’s earliest writings and some of the earliest books forming what we know as the New Testament. There is much within the two books we have not looked at but one can never fully examine all of Scripture. God’s Word is infinite in its depth, as deep as the knowledge of God Himself. We have merely “touched the hem of the garment” with our messages over these two books. So much more awaits our examination and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. For now, though, we move on to other texts given to us by God.
May Christ bless each of us as we strive to learn more of Him from His Word. and may He bless each of you this week.
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