Good Morning Bethesda!
Some big “thank yous” to Bethesda folk!
Thanks to the Technology Committee (Dan, Karla, and Jimmy) for their work on revamping the web site! Check it out if you have not already done so.
Thanks to Tom for fixing the church sign and adding the information about some of our coming events!
Thanks to Jeff, Jimmy, and Tom for the worship leadership they provided yesterday due to the absence of Steve due to illness.
We are not the biggest congregation but we sure have folks with some big hearts! Your pastor truly appreciates your efforts.
Special Notices
- The Bethesda Academy, Monday, 6:30 p.m.
- Bible Study (Jonah) & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
- Fondue Party Fellowship, Saturday, February 18. Sign up in the foyer.Call Karla if you need more information.
Urgent Prayer Requests
- The Bunch family in the loss of Sandy’s maternal grandfather.
- Sandy Brandel’s mom, recovering but still in need of our prayers.
- Father of a co-worker of Rachelle who suffered a heart attack Sunday morning.
- Zachary Mueller, special prayer.
- Pete & Brenda Koelling.
- Brenda Koelling’s father who is ill.
- Marilynn Norvell, still in pain.
- Cynthia Wordlaw, her mother, father, and sister suffering physically.
- Gene, recovering from surgery, & Lois Schulze both at home.
- Caroline, Anne Overton’s sister-in-law, fight with cancer & her need for Christ.
- The Overtons as they search for a new church in Indiana.
- Our church and need for revival.
“Know this well, Christian! Spiritual light does not come by means of vicious attacks. Spiritual light does not come by the ballot box. Spiritual light requires the presence of Jesus Christ! If Christ is not the message of the Christian or the message of the church, those around us will remain in darkness.”
Sunday Sermon Outline
“Verbal Truth”
John 10:40-42
Proposition: In the midst of a time of spiritual darkness, God often brings a time of spiritual light.
Transition: We examine such a time during Jesus’ ministry by making 3 observations from the text.
I. Times of Spiritual Light Require the Savior’s Company. (40)
A. His Presence does not insure Spiritual Light.
B. But His Presence is Needed for SpiritualLight.
II. Times of Spiritual Light Remind Us of the Servant’s Calling. (41)
A. John the Baptist’s Calling was not Flamboyant.
B. John the Baptist’s Calling was not about Himself.
C. John the Baptist’s Calling was Only About Jesus.
1. He Proclaimed Jesus was the Son of God.
2. He Proclaimed Jesus was the Lamb ofGod.
3. He Proclaimed that Jesus would have a greater baptism.
4. He Proclaimed Jesus would separate the righteous and unrighteous.
5. He Proclaimed the Gospel.
6. He Proclaimed the Truth.
D. John the Baptist’s Calling Planted a Seed.
III. Times of Spiritual Light Result in a Salvific Conclusion. (42)
A. Their Faith was a Settled Faith.
B. Their Faith was a Saving Faith.
C. Their Faith was a Far-Reaching Faith.
D. Their Faith was a Memorable Faith.
Upcoming Activities
- The Bethesda Academy, Monday, 6:30p.m.
- Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
- Fondue Party, 6:00 p.m. at the church.
- Sunday School, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
- Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
- January Bible Study – Ecclesiastes, Sunday, 5 p.m.
“If they cannot answer holy arguments with fair reasoning, they can give hard answers with stones.”
C. H. Spurgeon
Pastor’s Postscripts
Illness continues to impact our church. I am aware of at least two families who were not present yesterday due to illness. Sandy Bunch was also unable to attend due to the death of her maternal grandfather. Please keep her, her mother, and the entire family in your prayers this week.
See you Sunday, if not sooner, with Bible in hand!
Pastor Bruce