November 30, 2015

 November 30, 2015

A Monthly Publication of
Bethesda Baptist Church


The Bethesda family has several Happy Birthday wishes this month!

* Debbie on the 4th 
* Meghan on the 6th
* Rachelle on the 11th
* Jon on the 15th
* Rick on the 21st
* Pam on the 31st

December 9th 
7 p.m.

Merry Christmas!

The Luther Monthly

On Christmas Eve of 1538, one of Martin Luther’s students recorded 
the following: 
“All his words and songs and thoughts were of the incarnation of 
our Lord. Then with a sigh he said, ‘Oh, we poor men that we should 
be so cold and indifferent to this great joy which has been given 
us. This indeed is the greatest gift, which far exceeds all else 
that God has created. And we believe so feebly even though the 
angels proclaim and preach and sing, and their song is fair and 
sums up the whole Christian religion, for glory to God in the highest 
is the very heart of worship. This they wish for us and bring to us 
in Christ.’”

Christmas Fellowship

Our annual Christmas Fellowship will be on Saturday, December 12 
beginning at 5 p.m. Every family is asked to bring a finger food 
and a drink to share. We’ll fellowship together, snack together, 
and maybe play some games as well. 

Make plans to join us! 

Bethesda will host a Christmas Eve service on Thursday, December 24 
at 6 p.m. We’ll sing some songs and recount the story of the birth 
of Christ as we worship our Lord and celebrate His birth.

If you would like to participate in the service (e.g., perhaps sing a
song, read some Scripture, etc.), please let the pastor know as soon 
as possible.

Since we will meet on Thursday that week, our normal Wednesday 
service for December 23 is canceled.

Pastor’s Postscript

Christmas time seems to “sneak up” on me faster with every passing 
year. My clocks appear to speed up beginning at Thanksgiving and 
do not slow down again until the 1st of the year! I believe the 
many activities in which we participate at this time every year 
help to contribute to this illusion. There are parties, family 
gatherings, Christmas cards, cookies to make, presents to buy, 
carols to sing, etc., etc., etc. Before you know it, December the 
25th has arrived!

Despite all the activities during this season, there are 4 I 
strongly encourage you to be a part of leading up to Christmas. 

1. Bethesda’s Christmas Fellowship. We have held it on Saturday 
evening for a few years now and each year has been great fun. 
This year we gather on December 12.

2. Bethesda’s Christmas Eve Service. Over my years as your pastor, 
we have hosted a few such services and I have been blessed at each 
one. This year we are meeting once again on December 24th and would 
love to have every member present.

3. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. 
We begin collecting this Sunday and every penny goes to support 
our international missionaries & their work.

4. Remembering Christ. Let’s not forget why we celebrate! Worship 
Him each and every day.

May Christ grant you a wonderful December and terrific Christmas!

Pastor Bruce