November 30, 2015

 November 30, 2015

A Monthly Publication of
Bethesda Baptist Church


The Bethesda family has several Happy Birthday wishes this month!

* Debbie on the 4th 
* Meghan on the 6th
* Rachelle on the 11th
* Jon on the 15th
* Rick on the 21st
* Pam on the 31st

December 9th 
7 p.m.

Merry Christmas!

The Luther Monthly

On Christmas Eve of 1538, one of Martin Luther’s students recorded 
the following: 
“All his words and songs and thoughts were of the incarnation of 
our Lord. Then with a sigh he said, ‘Oh, we poor men that we should 
be so cold and indifferent to this great joy which has been given 
us. This indeed is the greatest gift, which far exceeds all else 
that God has created. And we believe so feebly even though the 
angels proclaim and preach and sing, and their song is fair and 
sums up the whole Christian religion, for glory to God in the highest 
is the very heart of worship. This they wish for us and bring to us 
in Christ.’”

Christmas Fellowship

Our annual Christmas Fellowship will be on Saturday, December 12 
beginning at 5 p.m. Every family is asked to bring a finger food 
and a drink to share. We’ll fellowship together, snack together, 
and maybe play some games as well. 

Make plans to join us! 

Bethesda will host a Christmas Eve service on Thursday, December 24 
at 6 p.m. We’ll sing some songs and recount the story of the birth 
of Christ as we worship our Lord and celebrate His birth.

If you would like to participate in the service (e.g., perhaps sing a
song, read some Scripture, etc.), please let the pastor know as soon 
as possible.

Since we will meet on Thursday that week, our normal Wednesday 
service for December 23 is canceled.

Pastor’s Postscript

Christmas time seems to “sneak up” on me faster with every passing 
year. My clocks appear to speed up beginning at Thanksgiving and 
do not slow down again until the 1st of the year! I believe the 
many activities in which we participate at this time every year 
help to contribute to this illusion. There are parties, family 
gatherings, Christmas cards, cookies to make, presents to buy, 
carols to sing, etc., etc., etc. Before you know it, December the 
25th has arrived!

Despite all the activities during this season, there are 4 I 
strongly encourage you to be a part of leading up to Christmas. 

1. Bethesda’s Christmas Fellowship. We have held it on Saturday 
evening for a few years now and each year has been great fun. 
This year we gather on December 12.

2. Bethesda’s Christmas Eve Service. Over my years as your pastor, 
we have hosted a few such services and I have been blessed at each 
one. This year we are meeting once again on December 24th and would 
love to have every member present.

3. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. 
We begin collecting this Sunday and every penny goes to support 
our international missionaries & their work.

4. Remembering Christ. Let’s not forget why we celebrate! Worship 
Him each and every day.

May Christ grant you a wonderful December and terrific Christmas!

Pastor Bruce

December 1, 2014

A Monthly Publication of
Bethesda Baptist Church

December 2014

Upcoming Activities

The activities for the month are provided in the December calendar.  Here are the exceptions for December to our usual schedule.

* The final Discipleship Training of 2014 will be Sunday, December 14 at 5 p.m.  There will be no DT on the 7th, 21st, or 28th.
* There will also be no prayer meeting on the last 2 Wednesdays of the month (24th and 31st).

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Our 2014 goal is $1300 and we have already collected $100.  All money received for the Lottie Moon offering supports our mission activities on fields outside of North America.  We will collect through the month of December.  Please seek the Lord and give as He wills.

“Justification is not a process.  It is a verdict.  It is a singular act of counting someone righteous and acceptable to God on the basis of the righteousness of another, namely, Christ.”  
John Piper

Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas Party will be held on Saturday evening, December 13, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  Every family is asked to bring an appetizer and a drink to share.  If you have any games you would like to play, please bring them as well.  We’ll share the appetizers, play some games, and enjoy the fellowship.  Please make certain not to miss this fun fellowship!

There will NOT be a gift exchange.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is finishing its work at filling open positions for 2015.  If the Lord has convicted you to an area in which you may serve Him, please contact Sandy, Debbie, or David quickly.  We will vote on these nominations at the business meeting on December 10.

“When we possess the benefit of Christ’s death and resurrection, there is nothing wanting to the completion of perfect righteousness.”
John Calvin

Our Newsletter

The time has come for changes to our newsletter.  For five years we have published one almost weekly.  A couple of years ago we began adding the monthly calendar which provides not only the church functions for the month but also the birthdays and anniversaries.  But even good things need changing from time to time.

First, most of our weekly newsletters have become essentially repetitious.  Week after week the items shared by our paper are the same with only minor changes.  Of course, some of the activities vary week to week but these differences are captured on our monthly calendar.  So, publishing a weekly newsletter for our church size is probably not a wise task.  It consumes time and money (paper, ink, stamps) and basically shares the same info found in previous newsletters.  So, beginning with this newsletter, we will publish only once a month.  We’ll send out the newsletter the last week of each month with a calendar for the upcoming month.

Second, going to a monthly schedule will demand earlier input from the various organizations that wish to have information published.  These groups would include the fellowship committee, the mission organizations, and various committees (e.g., Trustees) who are planning specific events for the upcoming month.  Of course, most church members have e-mail so, if something is overlooked in the monthly paper, we can send out a quick e-mail on the matter.

Third, the pastor has “hogged” the newsletter long enough.  While I enjoy writing, I suspect there are others in our congregation who would like to do some writing of their own.  So, I am soliciting for additional newsletter “staff”.  If you believe the Lord would have you take over the entire production of the paper, please let me know!  I will gladly contribute a monthly article.  Or, if that is a bit too much for you, would you like to share an article from time to time?  I would encourage committees who wish to publish information for the church in the newsletter to write their own article and then send it to me to be included in the next edition.

Finally, I am open to any suggestions you may have.  If you have anything for the January edition, it will be published during the last week of December.

May our Lord be glorified in you this week.
Pastor Bruce

December 23, 2013


Recent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brenda Koelling, relationship with her daughters plus their salvation
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Christmas Eve service, Tuesday, 6 p.m.
2.  NO Wednesday service
3.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
4. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
including the Lord’s Supper
5. NO Discipleship Training
6.  5th Sunday Q & A Fellowship, Sunday,
6 p.m.

Christmas Eve Worship

Come join us tomorrow (Tuesday) evening for a brief worship service celebrating the birth of our Lord.  We’ll begin at 6 p.m., sing a few Christmas carols, and read the Word of God before heading to our homes in preparation for Christmas Day!

Gabriel’s Message
(Christmas 2013)

To Nazareth the angel came
Sent from heaven above
Gabriel was the servant’s name
His message was God’s love.

Young Mary was the recipient
Jesus the Heavenly Word
Blessing from God on her was sent
Most favored by the Lord.

The angel spoke, the young girl heard,
“Mary, God gives you grace”
Troubled by the messenger’s word
Her mind began to race

She thought “What does this word imply?”
Her mind could not perceive.
“Fear not”, the angel did reply
Her troubles to relieve.

“For you are the chosen of god
To bring forth His own Son
The Highest’s son will He be called.
He will be the great one.”

Then Mary said, “May it be thus
His will with me be done.”
So the Savior was sent for us
Jesus born, Christmas begun.

Bruce D. Walker

Sermon Extras

Most people are familiar with the King James translation of the Luke passage.  In verse 6, the KJV reads “while they were there, the days were accomplished …”.  I really like that rendering more than the ESV which reads “while they were there, the time came…”.  The word behind “accomplished/came” is a word meaning “to fill or to end”.  It is related to the word “fullness” in Galatians 4:4.  God had a specific time for the birth of His Son and that time had come.  God’s plan was fulfilled and Mary gave birth.

Actually, this is true of the birth of every person.  God has set the time of that birth (see Ecclesiastes 3) and, when His time has been fulfilled (when “the days were accomplished”).

Questions to ponder:  (1)  Do you ever reflect upon the hand of God in your daily affairs?   (2)  When the Lord commands (via His Word or via His appointed ministers, e.g., “rulers”), are you prompt to obey?   (3)  Is your celebration of Christmas centered on the Christ of Christmas?

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son…”
Galatians 4:4

Pastor’s Postscripts

A couple of people have asked me where we are going relative to the Sunday morning messages.  Having completed 1 Thessalonians and messages celebrating the Christmas season, what is next on the “sermon calendar”?

Well, I am open to any suggestions from the Lord but I still believe He wants us to continue the Thessalonian correspondence by turning our attention to 2 Thessalonians next.  However, I do not plan on beginning that brief letter until the third Sunday of January.

That leaves the intervening three Sundays.  Reflecting on my time here as your pastor, I recall preaching on the two ordinances of the church only three times:  twice on the Lord’s Supper (last in 2011) and once on baptism.  Since we are observing the Lord’s Supper this coming Sunday morning, the message will focus on that ordinance.  And, since our present plans are to observe the ordinance of baptism on January 12 with the baptism of Nolan Brook, the message that morning will focus on baptism.

On January 5 I’ll present a message summarizing the 5th Psalm.  When we began our exposition of John’s Gospel, my goal was to intersperse “chapter messages” from the Psalms at various breaks in the text.  I was able to share with you on the first four Psalms but the “break points” in the Gospel were few in number and did not offer us the opportunity to look at other Psalms.  So, our first Sunday in January will take us back to the Psalms.

That’s my plan.  But, of course, the Lord is the One who has the final say.  Whatever He decides will be the best for our church.

As I close the column this week, Debbie and I want to wish a very Merry Christmas to each of you!  May the Lord pour out His blessings upon you especially at this time of year.

December 16, 2013

Recent Prayer Requests

* Sali Standley, illness
* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brenda Koelling, relationship with her daughters plus their salvation
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene Schulze
* Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Open House at the Walkers, Tuesday,
     6-9 p.m.
2.  Bible Study & Prayer Meeting,
     Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3.  Christmas Party, Saturday, 5 p.m.
4.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. NO Discipleship Training.

Open House

You are invited to drop in for a few minutes or a few hours at Bruce and Debbie Walker’s home tomorrow (Tuesday) evening between 6 and 9 p.m.  Bring some snack foods to share.  Your children are also welcome.

The Walkers live at 233 Cole Blvd. in St. Charles.  If you need directions, please call the pastor (233-0645).  We do have stairs as well as a dog and two cats!

 Christmas Party

PARTY TIME!  This Saturday evening, church members will gather in our fellowship hall at 5 p.m. to celebrate the birth of the Savior.  We encourage you to come and join the fun and fellowship.  Bring a snack food and spend some time with your brothers and sisters.  We’ll eat, talk, share, and play games.  We’ll close out the evening with some Christmas caroling.

Come out and join us! 

Christmas Worship

Our Sunday morning service will focus on the birth of the Lord which we celebrate next week.  Join us at 10:30 a.m. for worship.

Also, on Tuesday evening, we will spend 30-45 minutes singing praises to God and sharing His Word as we reflect on the birth of the Savior in our Christmas Eve service.  This service begins at 6 p.m.

“… describing a king as righteous meant that he would not only execute justice, govern faithfully, and live with integrity, but also deliver the oppressed and generously support the weak and the poor.”
James Montgomery Boice

Sermon Extras

1.  Zechariah 9:9 begins with the word “Rejoice”, “gili” in the original.  The definition of the word alone provides great insight into the opening of this verse.  First, it is a commandment from the prophet.  Not only should we rejoice because our king is coming (in our case, has come and is coming again), but we are ordered to do so.  Second, the word means to “leap for joy” and often describes the leaping and palpitation of one’s heart.  Certainly no Christian who understands the first coming of Christ and its impact on their life should have any difficulty rejoicing in what Christ has accomplished in their behalf.  Furthermore, what true believer does not rejoice over the knowledge that our King is returning as the VICTOR!

2.  Most translations read “Behold, your king is coming”.  Note how Zechariah draws emphasis on this coming king.  The word “behold” (“hinneh” in the Hebrew) is an interjection.  It may also be translated “Lo!”  The purpose of the word is to act like a pointing finger.  Zechariah is pointing his finger at the coming king and calling our attention to his approaching form.

Doesn’t that remind you of John 1:29?  “The next day he (John the Baptist) saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”  May you and me “point our fingers” at Jesus for those who do not know Him as their King!

Questions to ponder:  (1) Can you list some of Christ’s accomplishments on your behalf?  (2) Are you rejoicing in the fact that He has come and that He is coming back?  Or do you never even think about His comings?  (3)  Is Jesus your King?  If so, are you an obedient servant in His Kingdom?

Pastor’s Postscripts

Let all the people say “Amen!” first for the work of God in the life of young Nolan Brook!  Having talked with him on a number of occasions and knowing his parents have shared with him consistently for well over a year, I firmly believe the Lord has saved this young man.  Also, let us rejoice further that the Lord has convinced Nolan of his need to be baptized and given him the desire to do so.  Baptism is the first act of obedience for any disciple of Jesus.  As you heard from Nolan’s own lips yesterday, he wants to be baptized to show the church he has been saved!  Amen!  We will celebrate Nolan’s baptism soon.

If your family is like ours, it seems every day during the Christmas season brings something else to do.  It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and overlook the true purpose for our celebration.  The birth of Jesus, not the “coming of Santa”, is the true meaning for Christmas.   I encourage you to join us on Christmas Eve as we worship our Lord in conjunction with the celebration of His birth.

I pray the Lord grant you a wonderful week and, if He hasn’t done so already, turn your heart to Christ so that Jesus dominates your thoughts, your words, and your actions especially at this time of year!

“Our king triumphs through suffering.  His crown springs out of his cross.”
Johann Peter Lange

December 9, 2013

Recent Prayer Requests

* Brook family, illness
* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brenda Koelling, relationship with her daughters plus their salvation
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene Schulze
* Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Business Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
4. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Ministry to Soldiers

Thank you to all the ladies and families who contributed to filling the boxes for our soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.  Bethesda sent 12 boxes full of goodies and, per the United States Postal Services, they should arrive a couple of days before Christmas.  I’m certain the soldiers receiving them will be blessed by your generous gifts!

Open House

Bruce and Debbie are hosting an open house on Tuesday, December 17 from 6 to 9 p.m.   You are welcome to drop in for a quick visit or stay the entire time.  We ask, if you do come, to bring a finger food to share with others.  Your children are also welcome.

Our address is 233 Cole Blvd. in St. Charles.  Please call the pastor (233-0645) if you need directions.  Warning:  we do have a dog and cats in case you have allergies and, unfortunately, climbing steps is necessary for entering our home.

Business Meeting

Our monthly business meeting is this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.  Since this is the last meeting of 2013, there are some important items up for votes.

1.  We will vote on a by-laws amendment concerning the number of members on our various committees.

2.  We will vote on our church budget for 2014.

3.  We will vote on the Nomination Committee’s recommendations for officers, teachers, and committee members for the 2014 church year.

I encourage every member to be in attendance this Wednesday evening and participate in the business of the church.

“… seeing Jesus clearly causes us to be deeply conscious of our sinfulness and our unworthiness.”
John Piper

Christmas Party

The Bethesda Christmas Party will begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, December 21.

Christmas Eve Service

We will have a Christmas service on Tuesday, December 24 beginning at 6 p.m.  The service will last between 30 and 45 minutes.  Please invite your friends and family to this brief time of celebrating the birth of our Lord!

Sermon Extras

Hebrews 10:12 begins the contrast of the priesthood of Jesus with those of the Levitical priesthood.  The ESV translates this verse:

“But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God”

Essentially, a “word for word” translation would read something like this:

“But on the other hand THIS ONE a single in place of sins having offered sacrifice unto the continuous sat down at the right hand of God”

1.  The emphasis is on “this one” who, based on the context of the entire paragraph, is Jesus Christ, our high priest.

2.  The action in the verse is on “this one … sat down at the right hand of God”, emphasizing the completion and victory of his work.

3.  He is able to sit down because he has completed the offering of the sacrifice (“having offered”).  Specifically, this sacrifice was:

(1) One sacrifice (“single”) in contrast to the many offered by the Levitical priests.

(2) A sacrifice to deal with sins (“for sins”) which the author describes by using a preposition which means “in place of”, i.e., a substitutionary sacrifice.

(3) This sacrifice (and the act of offering it) is eternal in its effect.  No other sacrifice is necessary for this one sacrifice has accomplished the demands of God for sin (see verse 18).

Pastor’s Postscripts

I believe some “thank yous” are in order.  Thanks to Karla and Jeff for getting our new sign off the truck and to David for putting a tarp around it.  Thanks to Rich, Jimmy, and whoever else assisted putting down salt and doing some shoveling yesterday.  Thanks to “Broken 4 One” for giving us copies of their latest CDs.  Thanks to the members of both the Nominating and Financial Committees for their work in preparing for this Wednesday’s business meeting.  I sincerely appreciate all your efforts.

And while I am thanking folks, thank you to our deacons for all the help they have been to me this past year.  Thank you to all the individuals (musicians, ushers, sound room, readers, leaders, greeters) who have assisted with our worship services in 2013.  Thank you to our teachers on Sunday morning and Sunday evening plus other days of the week for your diligence and commitment to the Lord and His Word.  Plus, thanks to all who have given financially to support our church as well as missions in 2013.

And thank you to the Lord for permitting me to be the pastor of such wonderful people as make up Bethesda Baptist Church!  May He bless you this week in all you do!

December 2, 2013

Prayer Requests

* Jon Bounds, illness
* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s father, mother, and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours
* Dan, health concerns
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene Schulze
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Women’s Ministry Packing Soldiers’ Boxes, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. AT THE WALKERS.
2.  Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3.  Deacons’ Meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.
4.  Men’s Breakfast and Book Study, Saturday, 8 a.m.
5.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
6. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
7. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

“Repentance is to leave
The Sins we loved before,
And show that we in earnest grieve,
By doing so no more.”

Ministry to Soldiers

Ladies, you will meet this Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the Walkers home to pack the boxes for the American soldiers in Afghanistan.  There will be Taco Soup for any who are hungry.  If you would like to bring anything else to share, feel free to do so.

If you need directions, please call the pastor or Debbie.

Bethesda Church Directory

REMINDER:  Church directories are available on the table near the door in the foyer.  Please take one for your home.  If you see any mistakes, please contact the pastor and let him know what needs to be changed.

Sermon Extras

In verse 19, Peter calls on his audience to repent and turn back (or away) “that your sins may be blotted out”.  The word translated “blotted out” means to “wipe off or out of”.  It was common in the 1st century for one’s debts to be tracked by making a notation on a wax tablet.  When your debt was paid, the blunt end of the stylus was use to flatten out (blot out, wipe away) your debt on the tablet.

When we truly repent of our sins and turn from our sins to Christ and holiness, God blots our debt off the divine ledger.  Praise God, your debt is gone!

Questions from the Sermon:  I’ve decided to add this section to the “Sermon Extras” article each week.  Here are a couple of questions relative to Sunday’s message.

1.  What is the primary role of a prophet?
2.  How does Jesus Christ fill the role of a prophet?
3.  What is unique about Christ’s role as prophet compared to all the Old Testament prophets?

Christmas Party

The Bethesda Christmas Party will begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, December 21.  Please plan on joining us for snacks, games, fellowship, and caroling.

Men’s Breakfast

The men will meet this Saturday morning at 8 a.m. for breakfast and our book study.  We will cover chapter 11 in Whitney’s book on “Journaling”.  Even if you have not been reading Whitney’s book, bring your breakfast and join us this Saturday!

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas falls on a Wednesday this year so our Christmas Eve service is scheduled for Tuesday, December 24 at 6 p.m.  Please join us for this brief but inspiring time of worship as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

“I once heard it told
Of a prophet who foretold
Many words which were bold
Yet did not live to be old.

You see, the words that he said
Failed and filled him with dread.
So folks threw stones on his head
And now ‘the prophet’ lies very dead!”

Pastor’s Postscripts

Christmas carols are back!  Hallelujah!  I love singing Christmas hymns since they are so filled with Jesus and the message of the Gospel.

I trust you are using your Week of Prayer guide from yesterday’s bulletin and praying for the missionaries mentioned in that handout.  Each of us is a missionary, commanded by God to take the Gospel to all nations.  Some are led by God to remote lands to fulfill that commandment such as those listed in the prayer guide.  Surely those of us who are brothers in Christ yet remain in their homeland can pray for those called to minister in foreign lands.

Furthermore, we can assist the efforts of these fellow missionaries not only by our prayers but also by our giving.  I am not begging or demanding anyone to contribute to financially supporting these missionaries.  But I do exhort you to seek the Lord and His wisdom when it comes to this offering.  If He leads you to give financially then be obedient.  All the money given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes directly to supporting the work of international missions.

And, while we are discussing missions, I encourage each of you to ask the Lord how you might minister in His behalf through our church next year.  If you sense the Lord leading you into service in a particular area, please contact the Nominating Committee (Sandy and Debbie) and/or me and let us know.

May the Lord bless your endeavors this week in spreading His Gospel!

November 25, 2013

Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s father, mother, and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours
* Dan, health concerns
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene Schulze
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

“Every new act of mercy calls forth a new song of gratitude and praise.”
William Mounce

Upcoming Activities

1.  NO Prayer Meeting this Wednesday
2.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. .
4. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m..

Ministry to Soldiers

The women’s ministry is doing a project involving sending items to American soldiers in Afghanistan.  The ladies will meet on Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. to pack the boxes.  If you would like to contribute in some way (e.g., bake cookies, letters, cards, financial gift), please contact Debbie Walker.

New Instruments

THANK YOU to Midwest Music and to Harry and Audrey Crosby for their generous gift to the church of an organ and piano!  Also, thank you to the men who helped in getting them here and removing the older instruments!

Bethesda Church Directory

Although it has no family pictures, we do have a new church directory containing names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses (plus birthdays and anniversaries).  Copies are located on the table in the foyer.

If you see any mistakes or some information changes, please contact the pastor.  We’ll send out a temporary update to everyone via the newsletter and then, from time to time, print updated directories.
Christmas Eve Service

Beginning at 6pm on Tuesday, December 24, we’ll join together for 30-45 minutes and reflect on Christmas Day with a time of worship.  Please plan on attending this brief but inspiring service.

Nominating Committee

Our Nominating Committee will bring their list of nominations to our church business meeting on December 11.  If you believe the Lord would have you serve Him through our church in 2014 through a specific position, please contact Sandy Brandel or Debbie Walker and let them know.

Christmas Party

Saturday, December 21 is our Christmas Party this year.  We’ll meet at 5 p.m., enjoy some snacks, play some games, and fellowship with one another.  We’ll round out the evening with some Christmas Caroling.  So, mark your calendars.

Harps and songs forever sounding,
Worthy the Lamb;
Mighty grace o’er sin abounding,
Worthy the Lamb.
By His blood He dearly bought us;
Wand’ring from the fold He sought us,
And to glory safely brought us;
Worthy the Lamb.

Sermon Extras

Spurgeon, examining verse 6, said “To have Christ standing between God and man is the joy of every believing heart.”  What a beautiful observation from this great preacher!

As I noted in the message, these two chapters have always grabbed me when I read them.  There is so much here that is hard to understand.  Yet there is also much for us to gain.

Verse 8 refers to the 24 elders holding a harp and a golden bowl.  The text explains the bowls full of incense represent the prayers of the saints.  This maintains the understanding we receive from the Old Testament on the subject of the priests burning incense (think of the Altar of Incense in the Tabernacle).  But what of the harp?

Actually, the Old Testament does have certain references to harps which are interesting.  “David and the chief of the service also set apart for the service the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Juduthun, who prophesied with lyres, with harps, and with cymbals” (1 Chronicles 25:1).  Elisha, one of the great prophets in Israel, said, “But now bring me a musician.  And when the musician played, the hand of the Lord came upon him” (2 Kings 3:15).  So, the ministry of prophecy, preaching the word of God, was connected to music, including the harp.  Therefore, perhaps the vision of John reveals that believers are priests offering up the prayers of the saints as well as those who proclaim the very Word of God.

“If you spurn the atoning blood of Jesus Christ in this life, you will never sing about it over there.”

Pastor’s Postscripts

Praise the Lord for all of our visitors yesterday.  It was a joy having them as well as a blessing to our heart!

By the way, as you leave the auditorium following a worship service, please look around and make certain you have all of your belongings.  This includes any containers, scrap paper, bulletins, etc.  By taking these items with you, it makes the cleaning of the auditorium an easier task as well as demonstrates good stewardship on our part.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed week!  See you Sunday.

November 4, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns and special request for prayer.
* Test results for Jimmy’s knee.
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Glenda Averett, stress test
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s mother and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather)
* Julie at Mizzou plus problems with ex-boyfriend.
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, illness plus Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Operation Christmas Child Packing Party,
Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the Walkers
2. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
3. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
4.  Deacons’ Meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.
5.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
6. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
7. Discipleship Training (Elisha), Sunday,
5 p.m.

“… happy is the church family in which pastors and people recognize that God calls different believers to different ministries, exercise their own ministries with diligence and humility, and give to others the respect and love which their God appointed labour demands!  They will live in peace with each other.”
John R. W. Stott

Operation Christmas Child

The Packing Party is this evening (Monday) beginning at 6:30 p.m.  The party will be at the Walkers (233 Cole Blvd.; St. Charles).

Call the pastor if you need directions (636-233-0645).

Sermon Extras

1.  It is interesting how the various translators render the second description of the leader in verse 12.  Here are just a few:

ESV:  “and are over you in the Lord”
KJV:  “and are over you in the Lord”
NAS:  “and have charge over you in the
NIV:  “who care for you in the Lord”
HCSB:  “and lead you in the Lord”
AMP:  “your leaders who are over you in
the Lord”

In the message yesterday, I mentioned the original word behind these translations meant (1) “rule over” as a government office (church government does include the office of pastor) and (2) to care for, have sincere interest in the welfare of those who are ruled.

When you look at these 6 translations, the NAS clearly emphasizes the government perspective.  However, the NIV emphasizes the watch care element.  The other translations are not as precise, leaving the door open for either definition.

In reality, there is always an element of “ruling” (authority) when it comes to leadership.  I believe Paul is teaching us that the pastor is the God-ordained authoritative leader of a local congregation and that he is to lead in a sincere, caring way.

2.  Notice also that Paul strictly limits the domain of the pastor’s “rule”.  He writes, “and are over YOU IN THE LORD”.  First, “you” implies the pastor’s rule is applicable only to “brothers”, fellow Christians and, I believe, Christians of a specific local flock.  Second, “in the Lord” clearly specifies the extent of the pastor’s rule.  His authority is valid only within the sphere of the Lord, in other words, in matters taught in God’s Word.

“Such ruling (that of a pastor) is not with an iron hand but with a humble heart.”

Nominating Committee

The function of our church Nominating Committee is to seek out the Lord’s will for the coming year in terms of the various offices we have in our church and who should fill these positions.  The function of the church membership (that’s you and me) is to seek the Lord’s will as to which positions we could best serve the Lord in through our church next year.

Therefore, if you believe you know the specific ministry (or ministries) in which the Lord would have you serve in 2014, contact the Nominating Committee (Sandy Brandel and Debbie Walker) and let them know.  If you are uncertain as to your 2014 role in our church then consider the position mentioned to you by the Committee if they contact you.

The New Testament knows nothing of an inactive Christian/church member except to correct them concerning their idleness.  Join with the other members of Bethesda in preparing to step in and serve the Lord through our church in 2014!

Those who have weak faith need to know there are brothers who will cleave to them during spiritually tough times.”

Pastor’s Postscripts

The holiday season is, once again, knocking at our door.  Thanksgiving is only 3+ weeks away.  In fact, our Thanksgiving potluck fellowship is 2 weeks from next Sunday (November 24)!

This year Christmas is separated from Thanksgiving by the fewest number of days possible (27, I believe).  About the time you manage to digest your turkey it will be time to celebrate the birth of our Lord!  So, just a couple of “heads up” concerning December this year.

We will have a Christmas party (not program) on Saturday, December 21.  Please update your calendar and reserve the date.  Specifics, including time, will follow.  We do plan on caroling as part of this fellowship.

We will also have a Christmas Eve service again this year on December 24 (a good date for one since it is Christmas Eve!).  Again, mark your calendar and plan on attending.  It will be a brief service but hopefully an uplifting one.

I do pray our gracious God gives each of you a wonderful week!