March 10, 2014


Weekly Newsletter of the Bethesda Baptist Church

March 10, 2014


Recent Prayer Requests

* Elijah Mueller – in the hospital
* Praise to God for the birth of Olivia Mueller
* Walker’s grandson Bryson having tonsils & adenoids removed today
* Alicia’s mother
* Meghan Bartner
* Zachary Mueller
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Debbie, recovering from foot surgery
* Diamonds on vacation
* Brooks on vacation
* Reppergers leaving later this week on vacation
* Prayer for the conversions of the lost, especially those in our community
* Praise to the Lord for our visitors
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Business Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service – Ordination of Steve
Brook, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
4. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Mission Trip

Don’t forget Julie Brandel’s mission trip this summer to San Diego.  If you wish to help with her financial needs, you may do so by writing a check to Bethesda and designating it towards her trip.

Deacon Ordination

Steve Brook will be ordained to the deacon ministry this Sunday morning, March 16, as part of our morning worship service.  I encourage you to attend and support Steve and his family at this important event.

LADIES Book Study

The ladies will begin a new books study on Tuesday, March 25 entitled “Living Your Life As A Beautiful Offering”.  Due to difficulty obtaining books, if you plan on attending the book study, please make certain you sign the sheet in the foyer no later than this Sunday, March 16.

Once again Pam will lead the study which will meet every Tuesday beginning at 6:30 p.m.  Please mark your calendars and sign the sheet!

Bethesda Congratulations for the Week

Happy Birthday wishes this week to:

* Alexis Wildgrube – Monday

“And thus we who have not their knowledge wish and are not able even with pains to understand what the apostle referred to, especially as his meaning is made still more obscure by what he adds. … I frankly confess I do not know what he means.”

The Bethesda Academy

The Academy returns next Monday, March 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m.  Since the Thessalonian epistles have focused so much on the Lord’s Return, we’ll spend time discussing future events and investigating what God has said concerning the end times.

Join us on Monday, March 17 for a time of study and fellowship at 6:30 p.m.


Congratulations to Jeff and Alicia Mueller on the birth of their daughter, Olivia Abigail.  Olivia entered the world last Wednesday, March 5.  Praise God for another gift of life!

North American Missions

Yesterday marked the beginning of our emphasis on North American Missions as we began our week of prayer.  It also marked the beginning of your opportunity to contribute to mission work throughout North America by means of the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.  Every cent you give to Annie Armstrong goes directly to missions in North America.

Bethesda’s goal is $1200.  I simply ask you to seek the Lord and understand what He would have you contribute to his valuable effort.  If you wish to give by means of a check, simply make your check out to Bethesda Baptist Church and note either on the “Memo” line and/or on the offering envelope that your gift is for the Annie Armstrong Offering (“Missions” will suffice).

Thank you for your donation and may the Lord bless your giving.

“The willful and persistent rejection of the truth God punishes with judicial blindness, so that the power of discernment is blunted, and error comes to be accepted as truth-nay, the perversity becomes sometimes so morbid that men bring on them the woe pronounced against such as ‘call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.’ (Isaiah 5:20)”
John Eadie

Pastor’s Postscript

Next Sunday is a very special day as we ordain brother Steve to the deacon ministry.  I really encourage each of you to be there.

In your prayers this week, please continue to pray for the Mueller family, especially Elijah.  Also lift up the several church families who are already on vacation or preparing to travel:  the Diamonds, the Brooks, and the Reppergers.  Also, give praise to God for the visitors who continue to worship with us on Sunday mornings!

I want to publicly thank all those involved with the new church sign.  Several folks spent many weeks looking at various options.  Then they had to order the sign, coordinate its arrival and temporary storage, and, finally, its installation.  The sign is beautiful and looks tremendous!  To each one who had a part in this process, thank you very, very much!

May Christ grant you a wonderful week!  See you Wednesday evening!

March 3, 2014




This weekend marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.  So, set your clocks FORWARD one hour (“spring ahead”) before going to be on Saturday evening.

Yes, we “lose” an hour of sleep!

Recent Prayer Requests

* Elijah Mueller
* Alicia as she is nearing her due date
* Alicia’s mother
* Meghan Bartner
* Zachary Mueller
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Debbie, recovering from foot surgery
* Prayer for the conversions of the lost, especially those in our community
* Our church and need for revival

Some updates:  Alicia’s mom had a kidney removed today.  All went well and she will be in ICU over night.  No further cancer was found.

The Muellers are still awaiting the results of Elijah’s tests from last week.

Lastly, Brenda has returned home safely and appreciates all the prayers.

Upcoming Activities

1.  Bible Study & Prayer Meeting,
Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Men’s Breakfast, Saturday, 8 a.m.
3.  Science Center Trip, Saturday, Noon
4.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Mission Trip

Julie Brandel has a 10 week mission trip in San Diego this summer.  If you wish to help with her financial needs, you may do so by writing a check to Bethesda and designating it towards her trip.

Bowling Fellowship

For those who signed up for our bowling fellowship, meet at Harvest Lanes on highway 94 at 12:30 p.m.  We have lanes until 2:30 p.m.

Deacon Ordination

On Sunday, March 16, we will ordain Brother Steve Brook to the deacon ministry.  Please plan on attending this special service.

This Sunday’s Message…

“Delay, Deception, Delusion” from
2 Thessalonians 2:5-12

LADIES Book Study

The next book study will begin the last week of March (date forthcoming) and will be on the Beatitudes.  Pam has agreed to be the study leader.  Make plans now to attend.

Bethesda Congratulations for the Week

Happy Birthday wishes this week to:

* Kyle Haag – Monday

Church Directory Correction

Rick Norvell
759 Homerun Drive
O’Fallon, MO 63366

Pastor’s Postscript

The weather “got us” again yesterday.  Thankfully we never saw all the snow that was forecasted.  But the sleet made the roads far too dangerous to be out and about.

This week was to begin our emphasis on North American Missions.  It was also to be the week of prayer for North American missions.  Nevertheless, we’ll start our mission emphasis this coming Sunday.  We’ll also declare next week to be our week of prayer for North American missions!

The men and I had a good meeting this past Saturday morning.  We began our study of J. C. Ryle’s “Holiness”.  If you are interested in joining us for this study next month, let me know so I can be certain you have a book.  We’ll look at what Ryle has to say about sin in chapter 1.

The Academy will begin again on Monday the 17th (wear your green!).  This will be a very informal 60-90 minute study beginning on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

Since I was not able to preach yesterday, I have no “sermon extras” for you today.  Plus since I had my eye examination this morning, this edition of “Stirrings” is a bit late leaving the presses.  My eyes were dilated much of the day and I couldn’t see well enough to type!

May Christ grant you a wonderful week!  See you Wednesday evening!

February 24, 2014


A weekly publication of Bethesda Baptist Church

February 24, 2014


Recent Prayer Requests

* Elijah Mueller
* Alicia as she is nearing her due date
* Alicia’s mother
* Brida, recovering from a fall
* Brenda Koelling, relative’s funeral
* Meghan Bartner
* Zachary Mueller
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Debbie, recovering from foot surgery
* Prayer for the conversions of the lost, especially those in our community
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Men’s Breakfast, Saturday, 8 a.m.
3.  Science Center Trip, Saturday, Noon
4.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Mission Trip

If you wish to help Julie Brandel’s financial needs associated with her summer mission trip to San Diego, you may do so by writing a check to Bethesda and designating it towards her trip.

This Sunday’s Message…

“Delay, Deception, Delusion” from
2 Thessalonians 2:5-12

Deacon Ordination

Brother Steve Brook will be ordained to the deacon ministry on Sunday, March 16 in the morning worship service.  Please plan on attending this special service.

Bowling Fellowship

This is your last week to sign up for the Bethesda Baptist Bowling fellowship on Sunday, March 9 at 12:30 p.m.  We need an accurate head count no later than next Sunday so we can be sure we have enough lanes reserved at the Harvest Lanes Bowling Alley for Sunday, March 9.  If you wish to go, please sign the sheet in the foyer during the week.

Science Center Trip

This Saturday is our outing to the St. Louis Science Center and a viewing of “Jerusalem” in the OmniMax Theater.  If you are interested, please contact Karla as soon as possible and she will provide all the details.

Bethesda Congratulations for the Week

Happy Birthday wishes this week to:

* Steve Brook – Friday

“… none can be termed apostates, but … such as have previously made a profession of Christ and the gospel.”
John Calvin

Men’s Breakfast

Men, bring your breakfast and join us this Saturday, March 1 at 8 a.m. for our monthly fellowship.  We’ll begin a new book, one of my favorites and one which greatly influenced my Christian walk many years ago.  The work is by a 19th century believer named J. C. Ryle and is entitled “Holiness”.

If you are coming and have not notified the pastor, please do so.  This will enable him to make certain we have enough books for everyone.

See you Saturday at 8 a.m.

The Bethesda Academy

The Academy is returning!  Our first session will be on Monday, March 17 (wear your green!) beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We’ll meet in Fellowship Hall for an hour to an hour and a half.  More details in next week’s newsletter.

This will be a very informal study so bring your Bible and enjoy our time together.

Sermon Extras

Verse 1 of our text yesterday described the “coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”.  The New Testament utilizes multiple Greek words to describe the second coming.  In verse 1 (as in 1 Thessalonians 4), the word “coming” is parousia (“being alongside”) and describes the Lord’s coming as his presence with his people.

Verse 8 of this chapter is an interesting one from this perspective.  Three of the words frequently used to refer to Christ’s second coming are used in that one verse.

“And then the lawless one will be revealed (apokalupto), whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance (epiphaneia) of his coming (parousia).”

While used in this verse to describe the revelation of the Antichrist, apokalupto is used to describe Christ’s coming elsewhere (Luke 17:30).  This word views the coming as a revelation, a revealing of God’s purpose and plan.

The word epiphaneia is sometimes translated manifestation and is used for the second coming more than once (e.g., Titus 2:13).  Epiphany views the 2nd coming as a manifestation of the power and love of God.

Pastor’s Postscript

We have several upcoming events which consume much of our newsletter this week.  So, I will be brief (if you can believe that!).

I am grateful to be the pastor of such a group of saints that make up Bethesda Baptist!  March 15 makes 5 years since my first sermon from this pulpit.  It is a humbling and challenging responsibility to be a pastor.  But, church members such as you have made these 5 years a true blessing.  May the Lord continue to bless each of you and our church as we strive to serve Him in all we do.

May the Lord protect you this week and permit us to worship together once more next Sunday.


December 30, 2013


 Stirrings at Bethesda – December 30, 2013







Recent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, in hospital with pneumonia
* Bounds family, fighting illness
* Audrey Crosby, ill
* Brenda Koelling, relationship with her daughters plus their salvation
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Steve Brook and meeting with ordination council
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  NO Wednesday service
2.  Men’s Breakfast & Book Study, Saturday,  8 a.m.
3.  Deacon ordination council, Saturday,  9:15 a.m.
4.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. Discipleship Training, January Bible Study, Sunday, 5 p.m.
“The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming.”
The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message

Sermon Extras

Part of my message yesterday on the Supper focused on the words “unworthy manner” in verse 27.  I noted the original word behind this translation (“unworthily” in the King James) was an adverb which actually modifies the verbs in the verse (“eats” and “drinks”) and not the word “Whoever”.  Paul is not discussing an “unworthy” person but an “unworthy” observance of the Supper.  The original adverb (anaxios in the Greek) may be rendered “in an improper way” further noting our need to make certain we observe this ordinance in the manner the Lord intends.

I challenge each of us to make certain we follow the prescribed method for worshiping our great God as noted in His Word.  Let the Word of God not only regulate our life but also our worship!

Questions to Ponder:  (1) Are you able to remember what the Lord has done in your life or do you not know Him?  (2) What is your reaction when you enter the auditorium on a Sunday morning and see the table prepared for the observance of the Lord’s Supper?
“The Lord ends the need for the Passover, a meal looking forward to Him and His future sacrifice; He begins the Lord’s Supper, a meal looking backward to Him and His completed sacrifice.”

Some Important Items

First, the 12 boxes sent to our soldiers in Afghanistan all arrived!  They were received with great gladness and thanksgiving!

Second, our church surpassed its Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal of $1200.  Thanks to each of you who gave for your generosity!

Third, I want to thank Audrey, Julie, and Steve for their assistance in making our Christmas Eve worship service so meaningful.  I truly appreciate all your help!

“We are unworthy of this sacred feast, and if unworthiness could shut us out, who would dare to be here?”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

 January Bible Study

Yes, our annual January Bible Study begins next Sunday evening at 5 p.m. during our Discipleship Training hour.  Brother Dennis will lead us in this study of the book of Colossians.

Please do your best to attend all the January Bible study sessions in the coming weeks.  You will be blessed through the Word of God!

Pastor’s Postscripts
Happy New Year!  May our Lord grow you spiritually in 2014 as well as bless you abundantly.

In two weeks (January 12) we will observe the ordinance of baptism with the baptism of Nolan Brook.  Also, my message that morning will be on this ordinance.  Yesterday morning I shared with you on the Lord’s Supper, a feast which has been argued and debated throughout the centuries since the institution of this ordinance.  These debates have not only taken place between various religious denominations but also within denominations including Southern Baptist ranks.  This is especially true when it comes to who may take the supper.  As I read 1 Corinthians 11, I see Paul attempting to correct the incorrect practice of the supper by the Corinthians.  What are they doing?  They are, essentially, doing their own thing (see v. 21 – “own meal”).  Paul then explains the supper and how it is to be observed.  He closes his statement with verses 33 & 34 where he says the church is to “come together” (used twice) to celebrate the Supper.  Nowhere in Scripture is any individual commanded to observe the Supper on their own (as they are their baptism).

Actually, if you reflect for a moment on what most churches call the Lord’s Supper, this truth becomes apparent.  The most frequent word used by Protestant churches for the Lord’s Supper is “communion”.  Why?  Because the Supper is intended to be a time of fellowship of believers remembering the Lord and His sacrifice at Calvary.  The Lord did not design the ordinance to be observed individually.

May the Lord bless your week.  May He bring healing to those in our fellowship who are ill at this time.


August 26, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Pete & Brenda, grieving over loss of her father; their health
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy & Jeff’s need for work
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Dennis and Pam on their upcoming trip to Texas
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Julie away at school at Mizzou
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Bible Study (Brief Books) & Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
4. NO Discipleship Training this Sunday!
5. LABOR DAY, Monday

And Old Quote But Still Applicable

“There has been times, brethren, in the history of the church of God, when they that believed ‘continued steadfastly’ in attendance on her instructions and her prayers; whereas now it often happens that, out of perhaps a hundred disciples, scarcely a dozen can be mustered to a weekly prayer meeting or lecture, or a monthly missionary concert.”
John Lillie (1860)

Deacon Elections

This Sunday is your final opportunity to nominate one or more men for the position of deacon in our church.  If you wish to nominate someone, write the name of your nominee(s) on a piece of paper (or nomination form), sign your paper, and give it to one of the deacons or the pastor.

Sermon Extras

1.  1 Thessalonians 3:10 begins “as we pray most earnestly night and day”.  Literally the verse begins “night and day earnestly imploring”.  I referred to the word “earnestly” yesterday in the sermon.  It is formed from an adverb (perissou) meaning “abound”, prefixing a preposition (ek) meaning “out of”, and then prefixing another preposition (huper) meaning “over” (in English huper is “hyper”).  That gives you some idea as to the sincerity Paul put in his pleading to God to be able to visit the Thessalonians.  He pleaded “overly out of abundance” to be able to see the Thessalonians again.  He leaves no doubt as to how much he loves them!

2.  Verse 6 begins “But now” describing the arrival of Timothy and his report.  Verse 8 begins “For now” describing the “jolt in the arm” Paul received from the report.  Interestingly, Paul uses two different words in these verses translated “now”.  Greek scholars claim the two words were pretty much used interchangeably by the 1st century.  The “now” in verse 6, though, sometimes carried the idea of “immediately” (“at this time”).  I believe Paul used this specific word (arti) in this verse to indicate Timothy had just arrived, promptly the writing of this letter.  Good news demanded a quick reply, hence, 1 Thessalonians.  Maybe there is a lesson here for us.  When we receive good news, let us respond promptly with thanksgiving and encouragement.

3.  Verse 8, one of my favorites in the book, literally reads “because now we live if you are standing firm in the Lord”.  A couple of observations on this text:

(1) The word “live” is the verb “zao” which often refers to spiritual life, the highest form of living.  Knowledge that the Thessalonians are standing firmly in the faith has really encouraged and excited his soul.

(2) At first glance, the “if” in the sentence appears to raise some doubt.  However, for those interested in Greek, the construction of the sentence is known as a 1st class conditional sentence.  This simply means the “if” is actually a reality.  That’s why some translators (e.g., NIV) translate the “if” as “since”.  Paul is saying he now lives because he has heard that, yes, the Thessalonians are standing firmly in the faith!

“… in these two words he comprehends briefly the entire sum of true piety.  Hence all that aim at this twofold mark during their whole life are beyond all risk of erring; all others, however much they may torture themselves, wander miserably.”
John Calvin (on the words “faith and love”)

Statement of Faith

Bethesda’s statement of faith is “The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message” and may be read at
Here is article 16:

XVI. Peace and War

It is the duty of Christians to seek peace with all men on principles of righteousness. In accordance with the spirit and teachings of Christ they should do all in their power to put an end to war.

The true remedy for the war spirit is the gospel of our Lord. The supreme need of the world is the acceptance of His teachings in all the affairs of men and nations, and the practical application of His law of love.

Pastor’s Postscripts

Thank you to the unknown gift giver for the “giraffe” paperweight!  It is now comfortably resting on my desk at home.

See you next Sunday!  Don’t forget your Bible!

August 19, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Pete & Brenda, grieving over loss of her father; their health
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, especially Alicia
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Bible Study (Brief Books) & Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
4. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Deacon Elections

You have 2 weeks remaining to nominate men to serve as a deacon for the next three years.  Write the name of your nominee(s) on a piece of paper (or nomination form), sign your paper, and give it to one of the deacons or the pastor.

“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith.  Test yourselves.  Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test?
2 Corinthians 13:5

Statement of Faith

Bethesda’s statement of faith is “The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message” and may be read at
Here is article 15:

XV. The Christian and the Social Order

Every Christian is under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in his own life and in human society. Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual by the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus. The Christian should oppose in the spirit of Christ every form of greed, selfishness, and vice. He should work to provide for the orphaned, the needy, the aged, the helpless, and the sick. Every Christian should seek to bring industry, government, and society as a whole under the sway of the principles of righteousness, truth, and brotherly love. In order to promote these ends Christians should be ready to work with all men of good will in any good cause, always being careful to act in the spirit of love without compromising their loyalty to Christ and his truth.

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

“Such faith to believe in Jesus is not found in the heart of a lost man. That man needs a new heart to believe.  He needs a spiritual birth.”

1.  The “prayer stars” are available on the board in the foyer.  Please take one home, attach it to your refrigerator, and pray for that family all week.

2.  Next Sunday is the last one for giving to the baby collection for Lacey Mueller.  She specifically needs diapers and wet wipes.

Sermon Extras

1.  One of the more interesting aspects of 1 Thessalonians is trying to determine the movements of Paul, Silas, and Timothy during their 2nd missionary journey.  For example, Acts 17 tells us Paul left Berea for Athens but Silas and Timothy remained.  Yet, in our text from yesterday, Paul is sending Timothy to Thessalonica with words that imply Timothy was in Athens with him.  Paul also uses the plural pronoun “we” in our passage yet notes at the end of verse 1 says he has been left alone in Athens.  And where is Silas through all of this?  I challenge you to read through 1 Thessalonians and then sit down with Acts 17 and see if you can piece together a reasonable explanation for their movements (there are multiple possibilities)!

2.  The latter part of verse 5 is very interesting as well.  The ESV reads:

“for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you, and our labor would be in vain.”

First, Paul uses both the verb and noun forms of the word “to tempt”.  It’s quite appropriate to call Satan “the temper” since he is so good at “tempting”.  Williams Hendriksen said of Satan:  “His manners consists especially in this, that he first tempts a man into sin and then accuses him of it!”

Second, Paul states the reality of the temptation (“had tempted”) but only the possibility that his work would have come to nothing (“would be”).  The NIV better translates the last part of the verse as “our labors MIGHT have been in vain.”  It’s a fact we will be tempted.  It is only a possibility we might prove to be a false believer!

3.  In verse 3, Paul teaches that we are “destined” for affliction.  The basic meaning of the word is “to recline, to appoint.”  The idea of “destiny” may be seen by its use in Luke 2:34 when Simeon, upon seeing the infant Jesus, says:

“Behold this child is APPOINTED for the fall and rising of many in Israel.”

Pastor’s Postscripts

Thanks to everyone who made our fellowship such a success yesterday:  Karla for planning it, bringing the pizza, and helping with the cleanup.  Tom for all his efforts in cleanup.  Pam for bringing the salad.  And, of course, to everyone who brought the ice cream, toppings, and fruit!  I thought it was an enjoyable time and I hope everyone else did as well.

Finally, I do hope each of us have taken the time to examine ourselves per the commandment of Paul in 2 Corinthians 13:5.  If you have not then I encourage you (and, as your pastor, exhort you!) to do so.  Make certain your spirit and the Spirit of God agree that you are, indeed, a child of God.

We continue with Philemon on Wednesday evening.  Join us for study and prayer time!

Pastor Bruce

August 5, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Pete & Brenda, grieving over loss of her father; their health
* Brazel family
* Mueller family, especially Alicia
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Rachelle in California
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Bible Study (Brief Books) & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2. Men’s Breakfast & Book Study, Saturday, 8 a.m.
3. Church Council Meeting, Saturday, 9 a.m.
4. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Deacon Elections

Deacon nomination forms are now available.  You may nominate more than one man to fill the only deacon position opening at the end of the year by (1) writing your nominations on a piece of paper (2) signing your paper, and (3) handing it to one of the deacons or the pastor.  Nominations are open through Sunday, September 6.  We will vote to fill that position in early October.

Sermon Extras

Of the Thessalonians, Paul says they “accepted” the Word not as “the word of Men but as what it really is, the word of God”.  The word “accepted” means “to welcome” as I described in the message yesterday.  Paul writes this word in a way implying a decisive event.  The Thessalonians welcomed the Word.  They grabbed hold of it once and for all.  They have received it as the Word of God and that conviction remains with them.

But Paul doesn’t just describe the impact of the Word upon them in this one time event.  He then continues by adding “it is truly the word of God, which also continually energizes (works) in you, in the believing ones” (my translation).  Paul’s statement is true for the believer only.  The Word is constantly energizing the believer for its author, the Holy Spirit, dwells within us.  It is a work which began when the Word was received (regeneration, new birth, i.e., when you were saved) and continues to work each and every day.

I like the remarks of John Jewell, Bishop of Salisbury, who lived from 1522-1571:

“If there be any, in whom it worketh not this effect, if there be any which (though they hear it) believe it not, nor are thereby renewed in their minds; it is a token, that they have not received the love of the truth of the Gospel; they despise the word of salvation, and it shall judge them in that day.”

May those of us who profess Jesus as Lord see the working of God’s Word in our lives every day!

Statement of Faith

Bethesda’s statement of faith is “The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message” and may be read at  Here is article 13:

XIII. Stewardship

God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and are we owe to Him. Christians have a spiritual debtorship to the whole world, a holy trusteeship in the gospel, and a binding stewardship in their possessions. They are therefore under obligation to serve Him with their time, talents, and material possessions; and should recognize all these as entrusted to them to use for the glory of God and for helping others. According to the Scriptures, Christians should contribute of their means cheerfully, regularly, systematically, proportionately, and liberally for the advancement of the Redeemer’s cause on earth.

“(The Word) is the voice of God—the very breath, so to speak, of His infinite essence—in itself, therefore, a higher, more Divine thing, than any product of creative power.”  
John Lillie

Other Items to Note

1.  We are collecting diapers and wet wipes for Lacey Mueller who is expecting her first child in September.  If you can help, please place your contribution in the box on the table in the foyer sometime this month.  Lacey is the daughter of Jeff Mueller.

2.  The “prayer stars” are available on the board in the foyer.  Please take one (or more) home and attach them to your refrigerator.  Then, every time you see the family name on the star during the week, take a moment to prayer for that family.  Bring the star back to church on the following Sunday, attach it to the board, and take a different star for the next week.

Let’s keep one another in prayer at all times!

Pastor’s Postscripts

I don’t believe there was any better place to be yesterday at 10:30 a.m. than in the auditorium of Bethesda Baptist Church!  What a terrific time of worship and what a wonderful presence of the Spirit!

A reminder to our men to bring their breakfast (McDonald’s is always a good choice though some may prefer Chick-Fil-A!) on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. for a brief time of fellowship and study.  We’ll continue our examination of Dr. Whitney’s book.  And, if you do not have a copy of the book, do not let that keep you away.  Our time is an informal one and you are very welcome to join us!

And to our church council members, we need you present at 9 a.m. this Saturday to discuss upcoming events including Thanksgiving and Christmas.  If you are a council member and unable to be there Saturday, please have someone take your place.

Praise God for all He has done in, with, and by our church!  See you next Sunday, if not sooner, with my Bible in hand.

July 29, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Tom, home has significant storm damage
* Pete & Brenda, their health & personal needs
* Brazel family
* Mueller family, especially Alicia
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Rachelle in California
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Bible Study (Brief Books) & Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
4. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m.

Deacon Elections

Deacon nomination forms will be available on Sunday.  Brother Dan’s term as an active deacon is completed at the end of a year and our church needs to elect someone to fill the position.  Beginning Sunday you may nominate a man you believe should serve as our next deacon.  You may nominate as many men as you wish (and you nominations may include Dan).  To help you as you consider your nominations, here are the Biblical qualifications for the office of deacon.

The Biblical Office of Deacon

Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.  And let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach.  Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things.  Let deacons be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households.  For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.  I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you before long; but in case I am delayed, I write so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.  And by common confession great is the mystery of godliness:  He who was revealed in the flesh, was vindicated in the Spirit, beheld by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
1 Timothy 3:8-16

Sermon Extras

Paul instructed the Thessalonians “to walk worthy of God”.  He uses similar expressions elsewhere in his letters (“worthy of the gospel”; “worthy of the calling”; “worthy of the Lord”).  Here are John Piper’s thoughts on the phrase.

So it is with the phrases “worthy of God” and “worthy of the Lord” and “worthy of the gospel” and “worthy of the calling.” They mean: Act in a way that fits the great value and glorious nature of God and the gospel and your calling. And what fits with that great value? Faith. Above all things, faith and its fruit of love fits the worth of God and the gospel.

So think this way. NOT: I must have faith and love so as to be worth God’s favor; BUT RATHER: God’s favor is free and it is infinitely worth trusting. Walking worthy of that favor means walking by faith, because faith is the one thing that agrees with our bankruptcy and God’s infinite “worth.” Looking to God’s infinite worth for our help and satisfaction is “walking worthy of God.”

Statement of Faith

Bethesda’s statement of faith is “The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message” and may be read at  Here is article 12:

XII. Education

The cause of education in the kingdom of Christ is co-ordinate with the causes of missions and general benevolence and should receive along with these the liberal support of the churches. An adequate system of Christian schools is necessary to a complete spiritual program for Christ’s people.

In Christian education there should be a proper balance between academic freedom and academic responsibility. Freedom in any orderly relationship of human life is always limited and never absolute. The freedom of a teacher in a Christian school, college, or seminary is limited by the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ, by the authoritative nature of the Scriptures, and by the distinct purpose for which the school exists.

Pastor’s Postscripts

Once again I thank the band and Dennis for their leadership in the musical component of our worship service yesterday.  I fear there are too many times when I fail to express my appreciation for their commitment and ministry to the Lord through the use of their gifts and abilities!  Thank you, men!

Normally our church council would meet this coming Saturday (3rd).  However, due to some conflicting events this week, we have postponed both the men’s breakfast and the church council meeting to Saturday the 10th.  Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Finally, at the conclusion of the service I mentioned brother Pete was in the hospital.  I am grateful I can report that he was dismissed from the hospital Sunday afternoon and is now back at home.  Praise God!

See you Sunday!