December 30, 2015

A Monthly Publication of
Bethesda Baptist Church
December 30, 2015

BUSINESS MEETING: Wednesday, January 6th, 7 p.m.


The Bethesda family has some congratulations this month!

* Steve & Ellen have an anniversary on the 3rd
* Brenda has a birthday on the 18th
* Julie has a birthday on the 23rd 

Learn to Crochet!

The ladies are meeting on Thursday, January 7th at the church to learn 
how to crochet! This time of fellowship will allow the ladies to crochet
 edges for dish cloths which will later be included in next year’s 
gift bags to Powell Terrace.

If you want to learn how to crochet and have a great evening of 
fellowship, join us on January 7th at 6:30 p.m. as Glenda and 
Rachelle provide the instruction.

January Bible Study

During our Discipleship Training Hour on Sundays at 5 p.m. in January 
and February, Dennis leads us in our “January Bible Study”. This year 
our study is on the book of 2nd Corinthians and is entitled “The 
Church’s Ministry Handbook”. Join us this Sunday evening (January 3) 
as we begin our journey through this great book!

The Luther Monthly

From a sermon on Luke 2:21 preached by Martin Luther on New Year’s Day. 

”So we see that the Scriptures in all places urge to faith, but only 
to faith in Christ. Therefore circumcision was not given by the law 
of Moses, nor to the fathers before Abraham, but to Abraham, to whom 
Christ, his seed, was promised for a blessing, so that the bodily 
circumcision might everywhere be in accord with the spiritual 

Why then has it ceased, if that same faith in Christ, to which it 
points, still remains? The answer is, God has always, from the 
beginning of the world to the end, maintained one faith in Christ; 
but he has not given only one sign of it. If all the signs which refer 
to faith remained, who could keep them? But since faith is inward and 
invisible, God has foreshadowed it to men by many external signs, in 
order that they might be incited to believe as by many examples, and 
has permitted each to continue for its time. How many signs did Moses 
alone do in Egypt and in the wilderness, which have all passed away 
and lasted during their time, and still were all signs of faith? So 
when God promised to Abraham the blessings in his seed and gave to him 
a sign of it, namely circumcision, it could not exist by virtue of 
that promise longer than the fulfillment of the promise. But when 
Christ, the blessed seed, came, the promise was finished and fulfilled;
it was no longer to be expected.  
Therefore the sign also necessarily was finished and fulfilled; why 
should it continue any longer, when the promise on which it depended 
was finished? But that which it signified, faith, remains always, 
whether the promise with its sign passes away or remains. 

Pastor’s Postscript

A new year is upon us and, for many, another attempt at resolutions 
are underway. Most resolutions are broken before the end of January. 
Nevertheless, resolutions can be of great value, especially if one 
knows Christ and resolves to change their behavior to be in line with 
the will of God! Here are 4 simple resolutions for 2016:

1. Resolve to study the Word of God daily, at least for a few minutes. 
Reading the Bible through each year is a great objective. But, simply 
reading and meditating on small portions of the Bible each day is also 
a worthy goal. 

2. Resolve to memorize more of the Word than you have in the past. 
Maybe you wish to set a specific number of verses (or books) you will 
memorize. I simply challenge you to increase the number of Scriptures 
you have stored in your heart & mind.

3. Resolve to join your brothers and sisters in worship each Sunday 
unless providentially hindered. Be present, sing, pray, give, and 
listen to the Word as often as you can.

4. Resolve to share the Gospel with the lost when the opportunities 
arise. I know that, for some, sharing Christ is an extremely difficult 
task. Nevertheless, God has called each of us to do so. Ask God to 
grant you the courage you need in 2016.

May our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, bless you in 
2016! May He also bless Bethesda Baptist Church! 

Pastor Bruce

January 27, 2014

 STIRRINGS at BETHESDA, the weekly newsletter of Bethesda Baptist Church

January 27, 2014

Recent Prayer Requests

* Pam and her family in the death of her father
* Brenda Koelling
* Meghan Bartner
* Zachary Mueller
* Alicia Mueller’s mother
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Debbie Walker, recovering from foot surgery
* Steve Brook and meeting with ordination council
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Bible Study (Brief Books) & Prayer  Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Men’s Breakfast & Book Study, Saturday, 8 a.m.
3.  Church Council, Saturday, 9 a.m.
4.  Deacon Ordination Council, Saturday, 10:30 a.m.
5.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
6. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
7. Discipleship Training, January Bible Study,  Sunday, 5 p.m.

January Bible Study

Our January Bible Study of the book of Colossians is now in chapter 2.  Plenty of time for you to join us this Sunday evening at 5 p.m. as we continue our examination of “Christ is All You Need”.

This Saturday …

Several activities are taking place at our church this Saturday which need special attention.

1.  The men will meet at 8 a.m. for our monthly breakfast and book study.  We were snowed out last month and will, therefore, discuss the last 2 chapters of Dr. Whitney’s book this weekend.  Bring your breakfast and any suggestions/interests you may have for a new study and enjoy some fellowship.

2.  Our church council meets at 9 a.m.  If you are on the council please plan on attending our first quarterly meeting of the year.  If you are unable to do so please arrange for someone else to represent you.  All church members are welcome to attend.

The primary mission of the church council is to plan upcoming events so one group’s schedule does not impact another’s schedule.  This coming quarter will involve the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (NAMB activities) and Easter weekend observances.

3.  The deacons will meet with brother Steve at 10:30 a.m. concerning his election to serve our church as a deacon.  Please be in prayer for Steve and this group that the Lord’s will be faithfully accomplished.

“We exist by His grace, we continue to live by His grace, we are redeemed by His grace, we are regenerated by His grace, we are justified by His grace, we are sanctified by His grace, we are preserved by His grace.”

Sermon Extras & Pastor’s Postscript

Our text yesterday was fairly straightforward.  There are no unusual words in the original text nor verbs used in some special way.  As I shared with you, I had thought of “jumping over” these verses to 3 & 4 but was then convicted by the Lord to preach on them instead.  The Lord used the word “church” to grab my attention and draw me back to this part of the text.  Many people no longer see a value in the local church.  They choose not to unite to one.  Others divert all their Christian efforts to “para-church” organizations, essentially making them their church.

Here are a few words from the great Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon on joining a local church.

It seems to have been the custom in the earliest times for persons who had been converted to Christ to join themselves with the church of Jesus Christ.

From that fact, I feel persuaded that they did not conceal their convictions. It is a strong temptation with many to say, “I have believed in Jesus, but that is a matter between God and my own soul, there is no need that I should tell this to others. Can’t I quietly go to heaven and be a Nicodemus, or a Joseph of Arimathea?” To which I reply, Yes, you can quietly go to heaven, and we hope you will do so, but that is a different thing from being cowardly and ashamed of Christ. We will not object to your being a Nicodemus if you will go with him when he carries spices to the grave of Jesus; and you may be a Joseph of Arimathea if you will attend him when he goes boldly to Pilate and begs for the body of Jesus. Neither of these two brethren were cowards after the cross had been set up before their eyes, neither were they ashamed to identify themselves with the crucified Christ. Follow them, not in the infancy of their love, but in its more mature days. Remember, dear friends, the promise of the gospel runs like this, “He that believes in his heart, and confesses Christ with his mouth, will be saved.” Do not, I charge you, neglect half of the command!

It is quite clear, too, that believers in those days did not try to go to heaven alone. However, there has been a great deal said in these days about simply being a Christian and not joining any particular church, this is clearly a piece of hypocrisy, and in all cases a mistake.

This idea of not joining any one particular church, and instead simply belonging to the “church at large” is often advocated in the name of unity, and yet it is clear to everyone that it is just the opposite of unity, and is intended to put an end to all visible church fellowship. The good people mentioned in our text immediately join the church of the Living God in Jerusalem. I dare say that even in those days, had they criticized the church, they would have found faults in her, certainly within a few weeks there were great faults that had to be remedied; but these converts felt that the group of Christians at Jerusalem was indeed the true church of Jesus Christ, and, therefore, they joined it. All of you can find true churches of Jesus Christ if you choose to look for them. If you wait for a perfect church, you must wait until you get to heaven; and even if you could find a perfect church on earth, I am sure they would not admit you to their fellowship, for you yourself are not perfect. Find those people who are nearest to the Scriptures, who hold the truth in doctrine and in practice, and are most like the apostolic church, and then join them, and you will be blessed for it. Consider the matter, and reflect that if it would be right for you to remain out of church fellowship, it must be right for every other believer to remain in the same condition, and then there would be no visible church on earth at all, and no body of people banded together to maintain and teach Christian commands and practices. Christian fellowship, especially the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and the maintenance of an evangelistic ministry, would become an impossibility, if no one openly declared the Savior’s cause. Act then according to your duty, and if you are a Christian, join with Christians; if you love the Master, love the servants; if you love the Captain, unite with the army, and join that regiment of it which you think adheres the closest to the Master’s word.”

The full text of this message, “Additions to the Church”, may be read here if you have further interest: .

May the Lord grant you a terrific week!

January 6, 2014


The weekly newsletter of Bethesda Baptist Church

January 6, 2014


Brother Pete Koelling

Brother Pete passed away yesterday morning (Sunday, January 5) around 11:15 a.m.  He is now rejoicing in the presence of his Lord.

Please remember to pray for Brenda and the family especially during this coming week.

Recent Prayer Requests

* The Koelling family in their time of grief
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Debbie Walker, ill
* Steve Brook and meeting with ordination council
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  BUSINESS MEETING, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m including observance of the ordinance of  believer’s baptism.
4. Discipleship Training, January Bible Study, Sunday, 5 p.m.

January Bible Study this Sunday evening at 5 p.m.


Immediately following the worship service this Sunday, the Brook family invites you to join in the celebration of Nolan’s baptism. Sandwiches, pizza and drinks will be provided. Please plan on attending if you are able.

Pastor’s Postscripts

2014 has arrived and it brought us more snow than we could handle!  Since we had no service yesterday, our newsletter will be somewhat abbreviated this morning.

January Bible study will begin this Sunday evening so you have not missed anything to date.  Mark your calendars for 5 p.m.

Wednesday evening, January 8, is actually our monthly business meeting.  There is more snow in the forecast but we’ll see how things go.  I encourage you to be present as we discuss the business facing the church.

When details are available concerning the services for brother Pete, I will send out the information via e-mail and Facebook.  We will also contact by phone those families who do not access the internet in order to provide them with the information.

May the Lord bless you this week.

December 30, 2013


 Stirrings at Bethesda – December 30, 2013







Recent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, in hospital with pneumonia
* Bounds family, fighting illness
* Audrey Crosby, ill
* Brenda Koelling, relationship with her daughters plus their salvation
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Steve Brook and meeting with ordination council
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  NO Wednesday service
2.  Men’s Breakfast & Book Study, Saturday,  8 a.m.
3.  Deacon ordination council, Saturday,  9:15 a.m.
4.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. Discipleship Training, January Bible Study, Sunday, 5 p.m.
“The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming.”
The 1963 Baptist Faith and Message

Sermon Extras

Part of my message yesterday on the Supper focused on the words “unworthy manner” in verse 27.  I noted the original word behind this translation (“unworthily” in the King James) was an adverb which actually modifies the verbs in the verse (“eats” and “drinks”) and not the word “Whoever”.  Paul is not discussing an “unworthy” person but an “unworthy” observance of the Supper.  The original adverb (anaxios in the Greek) may be rendered “in an improper way” further noting our need to make certain we observe this ordinance in the manner the Lord intends.

I challenge each of us to make certain we follow the prescribed method for worshiping our great God as noted in His Word.  Let the Word of God not only regulate our life but also our worship!

Questions to Ponder:  (1) Are you able to remember what the Lord has done in your life or do you not know Him?  (2) What is your reaction when you enter the auditorium on a Sunday morning and see the table prepared for the observance of the Lord’s Supper?
“The Lord ends the need for the Passover, a meal looking forward to Him and His future sacrifice; He begins the Lord’s Supper, a meal looking backward to Him and His completed sacrifice.”

Some Important Items

First, the 12 boxes sent to our soldiers in Afghanistan all arrived!  They were received with great gladness and thanksgiving!

Second, our church surpassed its Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal of $1200.  Thanks to each of you who gave for your generosity!

Third, I want to thank Audrey, Julie, and Steve for their assistance in making our Christmas Eve worship service so meaningful.  I truly appreciate all your help!

“We are unworthy of this sacred feast, and if unworthiness could shut us out, who would dare to be here?”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

 January Bible Study

Yes, our annual January Bible Study begins next Sunday evening at 5 p.m. during our Discipleship Training hour.  Brother Dennis will lead us in this study of the book of Colossians.

Please do your best to attend all the January Bible study sessions in the coming weeks.  You will be blessed through the Word of God!

Pastor’s Postscripts
Happy New Year!  May our Lord grow you spiritually in 2014 as well as bless you abundantly.

In two weeks (January 12) we will observe the ordinance of baptism with the baptism of Nolan Brook.  Also, my message that morning will be on this ordinance.  Yesterday morning I shared with you on the Lord’s Supper, a feast which has been argued and debated throughout the centuries since the institution of this ordinance.  These debates have not only taken place between various religious denominations but also within denominations including Southern Baptist ranks.  This is especially true when it comes to who may take the supper.  As I read 1 Corinthians 11, I see Paul attempting to correct the incorrect practice of the supper by the Corinthians.  What are they doing?  They are, essentially, doing their own thing (see v. 21 – “own meal”).  Paul then explains the supper and how it is to be observed.  He closes his statement with verses 33 & 34 where he says the church is to “come together” (used twice) to celebrate the Supper.  Nowhere in Scripture is any individual commanded to observe the Supper on their own (as they are their baptism).

Actually, if you reflect for a moment on what most churches call the Lord’s Supper, this truth becomes apparent.  The most frequent word used by Protestant churches for the Lord’s Supper is “communion”.  Why?  Because the Supper is intended to be a time of fellowship of believers remembering the Lord and His sacrifice at Calvary.  The Lord did not design the ordinance to be observed individually.

May the Lord bless your week.  May He bring healing to those in our fellowship who are ill at this time.