December 23, 2013


Recent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brenda Koelling, relationship with her daughters plus their salvation
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Marilynn Norvell
* Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Christmas Eve service, Tuesday, 6 p.m.
2.  NO Wednesday service
3.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
4. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
including the Lord’s Supper
5. NO Discipleship Training
6.  5th Sunday Q & A Fellowship, Sunday,
6 p.m.

Christmas Eve Worship

Come join us tomorrow (Tuesday) evening for a brief worship service celebrating the birth of our Lord.  We’ll begin at 6 p.m., sing a few Christmas carols, and read the Word of God before heading to our homes in preparation for Christmas Day!

Gabriel’s Message
(Christmas 2013)

To Nazareth the angel came
Sent from heaven above
Gabriel was the servant’s name
His message was God’s love.

Young Mary was the recipient
Jesus the Heavenly Word
Blessing from God on her was sent
Most favored by the Lord.

The angel spoke, the young girl heard,
“Mary, God gives you grace”
Troubled by the messenger’s word
Her mind began to race

She thought “What does this word imply?”
Her mind could not perceive.
“Fear not”, the angel did reply
Her troubles to relieve.

“For you are the chosen of god
To bring forth His own Son
The Highest’s son will He be called.
He will be the great one.”

Then Mary said, “May it be thus
His will with me be done.”
So the Savior was sent for us
Jesus born, Christmas begun.

Bruce D. Walker

Sermon Extras

Most people are familiar with the King James translation of the Luke passage.  In verse 6, the KJV reads “while they were there, the days were accomplished …”.  I really like that rendering more than the ESV which reads “while they were there, the time came…”.  The word behind “accomplished/came” is a word meaning “to fill or to end”.  It is related to the word “fullness” in Galatians 4:4.  God had a specific time for the birth of His Son and that time had come.  God’s plan was fulfilled and Mary gave birth.

Actually, this is true of the birth of every person.  God has set the time of that birth (see Ecclesiastes 3) and, when His time has been fulfilled (when “the days were accomplished”).

Questions to ponder:  (1)  Do you ever reflect upon the hand of God in your daily affairs?   (2)  When the Lord commands (via His Word or via His appointed ministers, e.g., “rulers”), are you prompt to obey?   (3)  Is your celebration of Christmas centered on the Christ of Christmas?

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son…”
Galatians 4:4

Pastor’s Postscripts

A couple of people have asked me where we are going relative to the Sunday morning messages.  Having completed 1 Thessalonians and messages celebrating the Christmas season, what is next on the “sermon calendar”?

Well, I am open to any suggestions from the Lord but I still believe He wants us to continue the Thessalonian correspondence by turning our attention to 2 Thessalonians next.  However, I do not plan on beginning that brief letter until the third Sunday of January.

That leaves the intervening three Sundays.  Reflecting on my time here as your pastor, I recall preaching on the two ordinances of the church only three times:  twice on the Lord’s Supper (last in 2011) and once on baptism.  Since we are observing the Lord’s Supper this coming Sunday morning, the message will focus on that ordinance.  And, since our present plans are to observe the ordinance of baptism on January 12 with the baptism of Nolan Brook, the message that morning will focus on baptism.

On January 5 I’ll present a message summarizing the 5th Psalm.  When we began our exposition of John’s Gospel, my goal was to intersperse “chapter messages” from the Psalms at various breaks in the text.  I was able to share with you on the first four Psalms but the “break points” in the Gospel were few in number and did not offer us the opportunity to look at other Psalms.  So, our first Sunday in January will take us back to the Psalms.

That’s my plan.  But, of course, the Lord is the One who has the final say.  Whatever He decides will be the best for our church.

As I close the column this week, Debbie and I want to wish a very Merry Christmas to each of you!  May the Lord pour out His blessings upon you especially at this time of year.

November 11, 2014

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s mother and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather)
* Julie at Mizzou plus problems with ex-boyfriend.
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, illness plus Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
2.  Business Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
4. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
5. Discipleship Training (Elisha), Sunday,
5 p.m.

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you everyone who participated in this year’s Operation Christmas Child.  Our final tally is 39 boxes!  May the Lord be praised and the children receiving these boxes blessed!

Sermon Extras

1.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s message, the seven verses of the sermon’s text contain 8 commands.  Each of these commands is what is known as a present tense verb.  This implies these commands are not one time actions but on-going, continuous commands.  “Keep on rejoicing always”, “Constantly pray without ceasing”, and “Continuously give thanks in everything” are examples of what Paul was communicating.

2.  To “rejoice always” is certainly not an easy task if you think rejoicing is smiling, laughing, and being “upbeat”.  There are days in the life of every Christian where such behavior is not only inappropriate but also impossible.  Nevertheless, one may truly rejoice spiritually even in such days.  As Spurgeon once said, “There was a day when Job lost his cattle and his children and yet blessed the name of the Lord.  All days are not wedding days.”

Nominating Committee

How would the Lord have you serve Him through our church in 2014?  Contact the Nominating Committee (Sandy Brandel and Debbie Walker) and let them know.

“Ours is an undisciplined age. … Above all, the discipline of divine grace is derided as legalism or is entirely unknown to a generation that is largely illiterate in the Scriptures. We need the rugged strength of Christian character that can come only from discipline.
V. Raymond Edman

Thanksgiving Fellowship

A reminder that our Thanksgiving Fellowship this year will be a potluck dinner following the morning worship service on Sunday, November 24.  The church is providing all the meat.  So, bring a side and dessert (and yourself) and enjoy a time of  thanksgiving, fellowship, and food.

“If Jesus is yours and you are his, have you not cause for rejoicing and praise and thanksgiving and love?”
John A. Broadus

Pastor’s Postscripts

Now that we are nearing the end of our exposition of 1 Thessalonians, a couple of members have asked me “What’s next?”.  The Lord is certainly free to change my direction at any time but, for now, here is how I believe He is leading us in terms of His Word.

* This Sunday we will complete 1 Thessalonians.
* On November 24, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I will bring a message of thanksgiving based on a text from Revelation chapter 4.
* The remainder of 2013 (5 Sundays) will be messages on the birth of Christ as well as the exposition of some Psalms.
* We will begin 2014 by opening the Word to Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians.  That should take us through the first quarter of 2014.

Please keep me in your prayers as I seek the Lord for the word He wishes us to have each Sunday morning.

Also, we are planning a Christmas Eve service for December 24.  It will be less than an hour in length but hopefully a time of inspiration and worship in light of our Lord’s birth.  Please plan on attending this special service.

Finally, on a personal note, most of our church family is aware that I am no longer fully employed.  This past July my previous employer, IBM, decided my position was no longer needed.  So I was part of a large work force reduction (i.e., layoff).  Since then I have continued to serve as your pastor, continued teaching at Missouri Baptist University, and began collecting my pension.  Also I have spent much time looking for another full time job and have applied for many with no success to date.

Well, some anonymous individual(s) blessed Debbie and me Sunday with a significant monetary gift.  From the bottom of our hearts we thank whoever this was!  The gift was quite a surprise and we are very, very grateful.  May the Lord pour out blessings upon you!

I continue to ask church members to pray that the Lord will lead me to the position He has for me.  May He be praised for all the blessings we have.

Have a wonderful week!