November 25, 2013

Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s father, mother, and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours
* Dan, health concerns
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene Schulze
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

“Every new act of mercy calls forth a new song of gratitude and praise.”
William Mounce

Upcoming Activities

1.  NO Prayer Meeting this Wednesday
2.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. .
4. Discipleship Training, Sunday, 5 p.m..

Ministry to Soldiers

The women’s ministry is doing a project involving sending items to American soldiers in Afghanistan.  The ladies will meet on Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. to pack the boxes.  If you would like to contribute in some way (e.g., bake cookies, letters, cards, financial gift), please contact Debbie Walker.

New Instruments

THANK YOU to Midwest Music and to Harry and Audrey Crosby for their generous gift to the church of an organ and piano!  Also, thank you to the men who helped in getting them here and removing the older instruments!

Bethesda Church Directory

Although it has no family pictures, we do have a new church directory containing names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses (plus birthdays and anniversaries).  Copies are located on the table in the foyer.

If you see any mistakes or some information changes, please contact the pastor.  We’ll send out a temporary update to everyone via the newsletter and then, from time to time, print updated directories.
Christmas Eve Service

Beginning at 6pm on Tuesday, December 24, we’ll join together for 30-45 minutes and reflect on Christmas Day with a time of worship.  Please plan on attending this brief but inspiring service.

Nominating Committee

Our Nominating Committee will bring their list of nominations to our church business meeting on December 11.  If you believe the Lord would have you serve Him through our church in 2014 through a specific position, please contact Sandy Brandel or Debbie Walker and let them know.

Christmas Party

Saturday, December 21 is our Christmas Party this year.  We’ll meet at 5 p.m., enjoy some snacks, play some games, and fellowship with one another.  We’ll round out the evening with some Christmas Caroling.  So, mark your calendars.

Harps and songs forever sounding,
Worthy the Lamb;
Mighty grace o’er sin abounding,
Worthy the Lamb.
By His blood He dearly bought us;
Wand’ring from the fold He sought us,
And to glory safely brought us;
Worthy the Lamb.

Sermon Extras

Spurgeon, examining verse 6, said “To have Christ standing between God and man is the joy of every believing heart.”  What a beautiful observation from this great preacher!

As I noted in the message, these two chapters have always grabbed me when I read them.  There is so much here that is hard to understand.  Yet there is also much for us to gain.

Verse 8 refers to the 24 elders holding a harp and a golden bowl.  The text explains the bowls full of incense represent the prayers of the saints.  This maintains the understanding we receive from the Old Testament on the subject of the priests burning incense (think of the Altar of Incense in the Tabernacle).  But what of the harp?

Actually, the Old Testament does have certain references to harps which are interesting.  “David and the chief of the service also set apart for the service the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Juduthun, who prophesied with lyres, with harps, and with cymbals” (1 Chronicles 25:1).  Elisha, one of the great prophets in Israel, said, “But now bring me a musician.  And when the musician played, the hand of the Lord came upon him” (2 Kings 3:15).  So, the ministry of prophecy, preaching the word of God, was connected to music, including the harp.  Therefore, perhaps the vision of John reveals that believers are priests offering up the prayers of the saints as well as those who proclaim the very Word of God.

“If you spurn the atoning blood of Jesus Christ in this life, you will never sing about it over there.”

Pastor’s Postscripts

Praise the Lord for all of our visitors yesterday.  It was a joy having them as well as a blessing to our heart!

By the way, as you leave the auditorium following a worship service, please look around and make certain you have all of your belongings.  This includes any containers, scrap paper, bulletins, etc.  By taking these items with you, it makes the cleaning of the auditorium an easier task as well as demonstrates good stewardship on our part.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed week!  See you Sunday.

November 18, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s mother and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather)
* Julie at Mizzou plus problems with ex-boyfriend.
* Dan, health concerns
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
including the Lord’s Supper.
4. NO Discipleship Training this Sunday.

Concerning the sanctification and preservation of believers, John Owen wrote the following:

“If He (God) doth it not, none other can do it. … He doth it of Himself, from His own grace; by Himself, of His own power; for Himself, of His own glory.”

Ministry to Afghan Soldiers

The women’s ministry is doing a project involving sending items to Afghan soldiers.  Since there will be more than one box, we expect the postage to be costly.  We wanted to give everyone an opportunity to participate in the mailing of these boxes.  If you wish to contribute, please write “postage” on your check or envelope and drop it into the offering during the next two Sundays.  Thank you for helping us bless these soldiers.

Also, we will be including homemade cookies.  If you would like to bake some cookies (any kind) to include in these boxes, give them to Debbie by December 1st.  We will also be including letters, cards, and pictures drawn by the children to thank them for their service!

Upcoming Facility Changes

In case you did not notice, our church sign is gone!  Several of our members spent their Sunday afternoon a week ago removing the sign in preparation for our new sign scheduled to arrive at the end of the month.  We thank those who took the time to remove the old sign.

Also, Harry and Audrey are donating an organ and piano to the church.  Some of the men are working on moving these new instruments from their present home in Chesterfield to our auditorium.  Thank you, Harry and Audrey, for your gift.  And thank you to all the men involved in moving these instruments!
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification. … For God has not called us for impurity but in holiness.”
1 Thessalonians 4:3,7

Sermon Extras

“… may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

For centuries this verse has played a significant role in the discussion of man’s being.  Is man a two part being composed of a body and soul (or spirit)?  Is man a three part being composed of a body, soul, and spirit?  The theological term for stating man is a two part being is “dichotomy”.  Similarly, “trichotomy” views man as a three part being.  Obviously, verse 23 appears to teach a trichotomous nature for man.

Without getting into a lengthy debate in our newsletter, there are other possible interpretations of Paul’s words in this verse.  Here are three of the more popular ones.

1.  Man is, indeed, a trichotomy.
2.  Paul is describing the nature of a believer in v. 23, men who have a body & soul (like all men).  But believers also have the spirit of God.
3.  Paul is making a general statement to refer to the entire nature of man.  It would be like you and me describing something about ourselves by saying “from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet”.  Hopefully we are more than head and feet!

In the context of 1 Thessalonians, I believe view 3 above is the more reasonable understanding of the phrase.  Paul is telling us that his request is for those believers, in every part of their being, be sanctified and preserved by God.

Ultimately, whether you are a dichotomous or trichotomous supporter on the nature of man, we can agree man has a material part and an immaterial part.  When God sanctifies and preserves us, he preserves both parts completely!


Nominating Committee

Let each of us use the gifts and abilities the Lord has given us to serve Him through our church next year!  How would the Lord have you serve Him?  Contact the Nominating Committee (Sandy Brandel and Debbie Walker) and let them know.

Thanksgiving Fellowship

Join us this Sunday morning after worship for our  Thanksgiving Fellowship potluck dinner!  The church is providing all the meat so, bring a side and dessert (and yourself) and enjoy a time of giving thanks to our God for all of His man blessings!

Pastor’s Postscripts

We’ve completed 1 Thessalonians and will begin 2 Thessalonians in January.  In the meantime, Sunday will find us in the book of Revelation.  Please pray for me as I prepare for a message I have entitled “Worthy are You!”  God is indeed worthy of all our praise and thanksgiving!

May Christ be glorified in your life and ministry this week!

November 11, 2014

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s mother and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather)
* Julie at Mizzou plus problems with ex-boyfriend.
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, illness plus Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
2.  Business Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
4. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
5. Discipleship Training (Elisha), Sunday,
5 p.m.

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you everyone who participated in this year’s Operation Christmas Child.  Our final tally is 39 boxes!  May the Lord be praised and the children receiving these boxes blessed!

Sermon Extras

1.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s message, the seven verses of the sermon’s text contain 8 commands.  Each of these commands is what is known as a present tense verb.  This implies these commands are not one time actions but on-going, continuous commands.  “Keep on rejoicing always”, “Constantly pray without ceasing”, and “Continuously give thanks in everything” are examples of what Paul was communicating.

2.  To “rejoice always” is certainly not an easy task if you think rejoicing is smiling, laughing, and being “upbeat”.  There are days in the life of every Christian where such behavior is not only inappropriate but also impossible.  Nevertheless, one may truly rejoice spiritually even in such days.  As Spurgeon once said, “There was a day when Job lost his cattle and his children and yet blessed the name of the Lord.  All days are not wedding days.”

Nominating Committee

How would the Lord have you serve Him through our church in 2014?  Contact the Nominating Committee (Sandy Brandel and Debbie Walker) and let them know.

“Ours is an undisciplined age. … Above all, the discipline of divine grace is derided as legalism or is entirely unknown to a generation that is largely illiterate in the Scriptures. We need the rugged strength of Christian character that can come only from discipline.
V. Raymond Edman

Thanksgiving Fellowship

A reminder that our Thanksgiving Fellowship this year will be a potluck dinner following the morning worship service on Sunday, November 24.  The church is providing all the meat.  So, bring a side and dessert (and yourself) and enjoy a time of  thanksgiving, fellowship, and food.

“If Jesus is yours and you are his, have you not cause for rejoicing and praise and thanksgiving and love?”
John A. Broadus

Pastor’s Postscripts

Now that we are nearing the end of our exposition of 1 Thessalonians, a couple of members have asked me “What’s next?”.  The Lord is certainly free to change my direction at any time but, for now, here is how I believe He is leading us in terms of His Word.

* This Sunday we will complete 1 Thessalonians.
* On November 24, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I will bring a message of thanksgiving based on a text from Revelation chapter 4.
* The remainder of 2013 (5 Sundays) will be messages on the birth of Christ as well as the exposition of some Psalms.
* We will begin 2014 by opening the Word to Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians.  That should take us through the first quarter of 2014.

Please keep me in your prayers as I seek the Lord for the word He wishes us to have each Sunday morning.

Also, we are planning a Christmas Eve service for December 24.  It will be less than an hour in length but hopefully a time of inspiration and worship in light of our Lord’s birth.  Please plan on attending this special service.

Finally, on a personal note, most of our church family is aware that I am no longer fully employed.  This past July my previous employer, IBM, decided my position was no longer needed.  So I was part of a large work force reduction (i.e., layoff).  Since then I have continued to serve as your pastor, continued teaching at Missouri Baptist University, and began collecting my pension.  Also I have spent much time looking for another full time job and have applied for many with no success to date.

Well, some anonymous individual(s) blessed Debbie and me Sunday with a significant monetary gift.  From the bottom of our hearts we thank whoever this was!  The gift was quite a surprise and we are very, very grateful.  May the Lord pour out blessings upon you!

I continue to ask church members to pray that the Lord will lead me to the position He has for me.  May He be praised for all the blessings we have.

Have a wonderful week!

November 4, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Pete Koelling, health concerns and special request for prayer.
* Test results for Jimmy’s knee.
* Brida’s daughter-in-law, Dawn
* Glenda Averett, stress test
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Health of Cynthia’s mother and mother-in-law
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather)
* Julie at Mizzou plus problems with ex-boyfriend.
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, illness plus Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1.  Operation Christmas Child Packing Party,
Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the Walkers
2. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
3. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
4.  Deacons’ Meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.
5.  Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
6. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
7. Discipleship Training (Elisha), Sunday,
5 p.m.

“… happy is the church family in which pastors and people recognize that God calls different believers to different ministries, exercise their own ministries with diligence and humility, and give to others the respect and love which their God appointed labour demands!  They will live in peace with each other.”
John R. W. Stott

Operation Christmas Child

The Packing Party is this evening (Monday) beginning at 6:30 p.m.  The party will be at the Walkers (233 Cole Blvd.; St. Charles).

Call the pastor if you need directions (636-233-0645).

Sermon Extras

1.  It is interesting how the various translators render the second description of the leader in verse 12.  Here are just a few:

ESV:  “and are over you in the Lord”
KJV:  “and are over you in the Lord”
NAS:  “and have charge over you in the
NIV:  “who care for you in the Lord”
HCSB:  “and lead you in the Lord”
AMP:  “your leaders who are over you in
the Lord”

In the message yesterday, I mentioned the original word behind these translations meant (1) “rule over” as a government office (church government does include the office of pastor) and (2) to care for, have sincere interest in the welfare of those who are ruled.

When you look at these 6 translations, the NAS clearly emphasizes the government perspective.  However, the NIV emphasizes the watch care element.  The other translations are not as precise, leaving the door open for either definition.

In reality, there is always an element of “ruling” (authority) when it comes to leadership.  I believe Paul is teaching us that the pastor is the God-ordained authoritative leader of a local congregation and that he is to lead in a sincere, caring way.

2.  Notice also that Paul strictly limits the domain of the pastor’s “rule”.  He writes, “and are over YOU IN THE LORD”.  First, “you” implies the pastor’s rule is applicable only to “brothers”, fellow Christians and, I believe, Christians of a specific local flock.  Second, “in the Lord” clearly specifies the extent of the pastor’s rule.  His authority is valid only within the sphere of the Lord, in other words, in matters taught in God’s Word.

“Such ruling (that of a pastor) is not with an iron hand but with a humble heart.”

Nominating Committee

The function of our church Nominating Committee is to seek out the Lord’s will for the coming year in terms of the various offices we have in our church and who should fill these positions.  The function of the church membership (that’s you and me) is to seek the Lord’s will as to which positions we could best serve the Lord in through our church next year.

Therefore, if you believe you know the specific ministry (or ministries) in which the Lord would have you serve in 2014, contact the Nominating Committee (Sandy Brandel and Debbie Walker) and let them know.  If you are uncertain as to your 2014 role in our church then consider the position mentioned to you by the Committee if they contact you.

The New Testament knows nothing of an inactive Christian/church member except to correct them concerning their idleness.  Join with the other members of Bethesda in preparing to step in and serve the Lord through our church in 2014!

Those who have weak faith need to know there are brothers who will cleave to them during spiritually tough times.”

Pastor’s Postscripts

The holiday season is, once again, knocking at our door.  Thanksgiving is only 3+ weeks away.  In fact, our Thanksgiving potluck fellowship is 2 weeks from next Sunday (November 24)!

This year Christmas is separated from Thanksgiving by the fewest number of days possible (27, I believe).  About the time you manage to digest your turkey it will be time to celebrate the birth of our Lord!  So, just a couple of “heads up” concerning December this year.

We will have a Christmas party (not program) on Saturday, December 21.  Please update your calendar and reserve the date.  Specifics, including time, will follow.  We do plan on caroling as part of this fellowship.

We will also have a Christmas Eve service again this year on December 24 (a good date for one since it is Christmas Eve!).  Again, mark your calendar and plan on attending.  It will be a brief service but hopefully an uplifting one.

I do pray our gracious God gives each of you a wonderful week!

October 28, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Petra Lau and her family, friends of Karla – her father was murdered
* Bill Sugar, friends of the Diamonds, Lymphoma
* Pete Koelling, health concerns and special request for prayer.
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather) & Julie at Mizzou
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
2. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3.  Men’s Breakfast and Book Study, Saturday, 8 a.m.
4.  Church Council Meeting, Saturday, 9 a.m.
5. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
6. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
7. Discipleship Training (Elisha), Sunday, 5 p.m.

”If God has thus wondrously provided for the fulfillment of His own gracious appointment … then surely we need not, we must not, we dare not, doubt His ability ‘to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.’”
John Lillie

Operation Christmas Child

This Sunday is the last one available for you to contribute to this year’s Operation Christmas Child.  All shoeboxes need to be returned on Sunday.  Any donations you wish to be made (gifts and/or cash) must be turned in on Sunday.

Monday evening you are invited to the Walker’s home for a Packing Party.  The event begins at 6:30 p.m.   If you want to participate but do not have directions, please talk with the pastor in person or call him at 636-233-0645.


Daylight Savings Time ends this coming Sunday morning at 2 a.m.  Please make certain you set your clocks BACK 1 hour before going to bed on Saturday evening.

We are “falling back” this weekend which gives you an extra hour of sleep Saturday evening into Sunday morning.  Everyone will be well rested for morning worship (and Bible Study at 9:15!).

Reformation Sunday

Yesterday we briefly recognized Reformation Sunday which is always the Sunday before October 31.  Many Baptists, to their loss, are unaware of this day or the importance of October 31.  Allow me briefly to recap the events which we remember at this time of the year.

Martin Luther was born in Germany in 1483.  His father wanted him to become a lawyer and he was attending a university working to achieve that objective.  However, when he was caught outside in a violent thunderstorm in 1505 and almost struck by lightning, he vowed to become a monk if the Lord spared his life.  Later that year he entered the monastery.

Luther was always under conviction of his sins.  He would confess his sins to a priest, walk away, and then return to confess some more.  He punished his own body and was fearful of God.  Nothing in his religion brought him any peace to his soul.

In 1510 he was sent by his superiors to Rome, the home of the pope.  While there he relized something was terribly amiss with the practices of the church.

In 1511 he was sent to teach at a new university in Wittenberg, Germany.  While studying for his lectures on the book of Romans in 1515, Luther realized that a right relationship with God was not possible by works, confessions,  money, or the Pope.  Rather, one need only trust Christ by faith to be saved.

Pope Leo was a great lover of the arts and exhausted the Vatican’s wealth on the purchase of art and the creation of new works.  He desired to leave Rome more glorious than he had found her and one way he intended to do so was by the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral.  This, of course, required money which was borrowed from European financiers.  In order to repay the loan, Leo began selling various new indulgencies.  One of these indulgences promised that those who purchased it would be totally forgiven of all their sins and avoid purgatory (the place where a dead soul must go until all his sins were paid according to the Catholic Church).  In fact, one could purchase an indulgence for a deceased relative.

Johann Tetzel, a Catholic preacher, was sent into Germany to preach this indulgence and collect the revenue.  He was very, very good at his job and the Vatican treasury was receiving a strong income.

Luther was greatly concerned about the false hope indulgences gave to people, upset at Tetzel stealing the money of his countrymen, and certain the Pope, if he knew what Tetzel was doing, would stop the Catholic preacher.  On October 31, 1517, Luther posted 95 theses against indulgences on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.  The theses were written in Latin and this was the typical method for publicizing a request to debate.  Luther never intended to split from his church.  He was sure, however, his arguments against indulgences and other current Catholic teachings would be heard and agreed to by the church leaders.

Needless to say, Luther underestimated the impact of his action.  The theses were translated into German and spread rapidly throughout the land.  The Pope and other church officials saw a drop in the sale of indulgences and began efforts to quiet Luther.  Ultimately, he was excommunicated from the church and declared an outlaw of the Holy Roman Empire in 1521.

Many in Germany, Switzerland, and other European countries followed Luther in his attempts at reform.  These protesting reformers (hence, Protestant Reformation) preached that salvation was by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone according to the Word of God alone.  As a result, new churches came into existence across Europe and England opposed to the Roman Catholic Church.  Included among these reformers were men who taught that baptism is only for those who are true believers in Christ and that the local church is to be a body of gathered believers evidenced by their baptism.  These men are the spiritual ancestors of Southern Baptists today.

So, October 31 marks the anniversary of Luther nailing his 95 theses, the match which ignited the Reformation.  We thank those who have gone on before us for their courage, their commitment to the Word of God, and their devotion to Jesus Christ!  Reformation Sunday provides us with an opportunity to remember all they accomplished for us and for the glory of God.

Pastor’s Postscripts

This week’s edition is a bit longer than usual but I thought the brief explanation on the Reformation would be worthwhile.  If you are unfamiliar with this period of church history, I strongly encourage you to do some reading on the period and/or some of the personalities involved.  There are many biographies on Martin Luther alone.  If you have an interest, talk with me and I will point you to some good works on the subject.

A reminder of our Church Council meeting this Saturday at 9 a.m.   This is an important meeting because, among other things, we need to discuss our plans for Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays.  Also, we will get an update on our church sign plus I have some news to share with you about some musical instruments.

Men, we will meet at 8 a.m for breakfast and our book study.  Bring your breakfast and join us for this time of fellowship.  Sometimes I think we spend more time sharing than we do examining the book but that’s an important part of fellowship as well!  Even if you have not been a part of our study in the past, come out anyway and join in the fun.

May the Lord grant you a wonderful week!  See you Sunday morning (remember, set your clock back an hour!).

October 21, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Petra Lau and her family, friends of Karla – her father was murdered
* Bill Sugar, friends of the Diamonds, Lymphoma
* Pete Koelling, health concerns and special request for prayer.
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather) & Julie at Mizzou
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
2. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
4. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
including the observance of the Lord’s
5. Discipleship Training (Elisha), Sunday,
5 p.m.

“We who are not of the world should not conform our conduct to theirs.  Sleep is natural enough for the sons of night, but it is entirely out of place in the sons of light.”
F. F. Bruce

Sermon Extras

John Bunyan, the author of “Pilgrim’s Progress”, talked about the sleeping Christian in his analogy penned centuries ago.  A man named “Christian” is making the journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.  Along the way he has met Christ and lost the burden he was carrying on his back.  He has made it past the Slough of Despond, Doubting Castle, and other dangers.  Nearing the end of the journey, he is traveling with “Hopeful” as they come upon a part of the road called the Enchanted Ground.  Note Bunyan’s words at this point:

I saw then in my dream, that they went till they came into a certain country whose air naturally tended to make one drowsy if he came a stranger into it.  And here Hopeful began to be very dull and heavy of sleep;  wherefore he said unto Christian, “I do now begin to grow so drowsy that I can scarcely hold up mine eyes;  let us lie down here and take a nap.”

Christian:  “By no means,” said the other, “lest sleeping, we never awake more.”

Hopeful:  “Why, my brother?  Sleep is sweet to the laboring man;  we may be refreshed if we take a nap.”

Christian:  “Do you not remember that one of the shepherds bid us beware of the Enchanted Ground?  He meant by that, that we should beware of sleeping:  ‘Therefore, let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober.’”

Operation Christmas Child

Our collection for Operation Christmas Child is nearing completion.  If you would like to fill your own box, please take one of the empty ones from the platform, get a tag from Pam, fill the box with goodies, and return it to the church no later than Sunday, November 3.  Or, simply bring your gifts to the church and place them in the large box.  You may also help by joining with other church members at our annual packing party.  This year the party will be at 6:30 p.m., Monday, November 4th at the Walkers.

You may also help by contributing financially to offset the cost of shipping the boxes.  Samaritan’s Purse suggests $7 per box for a donation.  If you wish to give by check, make your check out to Bethesda Baptist Church and note that your gift is for Operation Christmas Child.

Get involved and help some child receive a gift for Christmas, a gift which includes the Gospel of Christ!

“This is the common condition of all worldly men.  However wide awake they fancy themselves to be, however knowing and sagacious, they are really, as to all highest things—things of the soul, of eternity, of God—in a state of slumber; of habitual, deep, lethargic sleep”
John Lillie


The study on the prophet Elijah has finished and now the Discipleship Training hour is looking at the life of Elijah’s successor, the prophet Elisha.

Join us on Sunday evenings at 5 p.m. as we pursue the Word of God and its insights into the life of this great prophet.

Brief Books

We continue our study of 2 John this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.   Come join us for our 15 minute look at this book and then pray with us in our weekly prayer meeting.

Pastor’s Postscripts

This Sunday we, once again, celebrate the Lord’s Supper during our morning worship service.  Some of you have been ill and others on vacation the past couple of weeks.  But I hope and pray to see everyone this Sunday so we may share the Lord’s table as a church family.

IF the Lord wills, we will finish our exposition of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 this Sunday.  Our focus will be on verses 9-11.

See you Sunday with your Bible in hand and a smile on your face!

October 14, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Petra Lau and her family, friends of Karla – her father was murdered
* Bill Sugar, friends of the Diamonds, Lymphoma
* Brady Bounds, neck injury
* Brenda & Pete, health concerns.
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather) & Julie at Mizzou
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Wednesday’s business meeting as we consider a proposal for a new sign
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
2. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
4. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
5. Discipleship Training (Elijah), Sunday,
5 p.m.

Ladies’ Book Study

The 3rd night of the Ladies’ Book Study is tomorrow (October 15) at 6:30 p.m.!

Sermon Extras

Often those who teach on the Second Coming paint a picture that everyone will be surprised and caught off guard when our Lord returns.  They repeatedly quote 1 Thessalonians 5:2 where Paul says the Lord will come as “a thief in the night”.

However, often overlooked are verses 4 & 5.  Paul reminds the Thessalonians (and EVERY believer) that we are “sons of light” and “sons of the day”.  We are not in darkness and do not live in the domain of the night.  No thief is catching us off guard.  Translating verse 4 and adding appropriate emphasis, Paul says,

“BUT YOU, brothers, are NOT in darkness, so that THE day might take you down as a thief.”

As born again followers, we have spiritual light.  We have light in the daylight of God’s written Word and His indwelling presence.  We know what He has said about “THE Day” (i.e., “The Day of the Lord”, the moment of our Lord’s return).  Therefore, when Christ does return, we are not caught off guard, we are not surprised, rather, we are expecting his return and prepared for it.

The moment of the Lord’s return will not bring “shock” to our system.  Rather, it will be a great moment of joy!  Not only will we be reunited with all followers of Jesus but we will receive our glorified, resurrected bodies, no longer subject to sin!  We will find ourselves with out Lord and will be with Him forever and ever (see 1 Thessalonians 4:17)!

Praise the Lord, He WILL return soon!

Our deacon election was a week ago and it was a “first” from what I know of Bethesda deacon elections!  Both Dan and Steve received exactly the same number of votes from fellow members to serve as a deacon beginning in 2014.

Since our Constitution and Bylaws provide no direction when the election is a tie, the deacons and I discussed the matter and came to the conclusion the Lord must want both men to serve as deacons.  So, we will begin 2014 with 4 deacons:  Rich, Dennis, Dan, and Steve!

Of the four, only Steve has not been formally ordained by the local church.  Therefore, an ordaining council will be formed to interview Steve and be convinced that he has the necessary qualifications to serve as a deacon.  Once that council has met with Steve, we will schedule an ordination service (much like the one we had for Dan in 2012) and then officially set Steve aside for the office of deacon.

Thank you to everyone who sought the Lord’s direction and cast a vote for deacon and congratulations to both Dan and Steve on being selected to serve!  2014 promises to be an exciting year for Bethesda!

“They who are watching do not require to be told when the hour is to be, for they are ready at all times.”
Johann Albrecht Bengel

“They (the lost)” will be rejoicing in a fancied security right up to the very moment of the disaster.”
F. F. Bruce

Pastor’s Postscripts

I confess that I did little singing during our morning worship yesterday.  Since my voice had been so weak for several days, I decided to save what voice I had for the sermon.  The Lord was gracious and my voice remained strong enough to preach the entire message.

But, since I did not sing, I did listen and it was a wonderful sound!  Sometimes just listening to the people of God singing praises to our Heavenly Father is a blessing to the heart.  Such singing enabled me to worship the Lord without singing a word!

It was also a blessing to see several of our members back with us.  The Brandels were there as well as the Brooks after being gone the weekend before.  And our sister Marilynn Norvell was able to return to church for the first time in several weeks.  Praise God!  It was a good morning of worshiping our Lord and Savior.

Today marks the 4th anniversary of being called as your pastor.  I am so grateful to God for allowing me to serve as your shepherd.  May He continue to bless our church as we continue to serve and worship Him!

I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday.  Bring your Bibles!

October 7, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Petra Lau and her family, friends of Karla – her father was murdered
* Bill Sugar, friends of the Diamonds, Lymphoma
* Brenda & Pete, health concerns.
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather) & Julie at Mizzou
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Wednesday’s business meeting as we consider a proposal for a new sign
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
3. Autumn Bonfire, Saturday, 6 p.m.
4. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
5. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
6. Discipleship Training (Elijah), Sunday,
5 p.m.

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.”
1 Corinthians 15:52

Ladies’ Book Study

TOMORROW (October 8) evening at 6:30 p.m.  BE THERE!!!

Business Meeting

Our monthly business meeting is this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.  One item on the agenda is a proposal from the Trustees for a new church sign.  I encourage ever member to attend the meeting and have a voice in this selection.

  Autumn      Bonfire

Our annual bonfire will take place this Saturday evening beginning at 6 p.m. behind the church.  Please bring some firewood (if you have any), some goodies to eat (hot dogs, chips, marshmallows, etc.), something to drink, and your lawn chair!

Sermon Extras

The main thrust of my message yesterday was to convey some certainties concerning the future of Christians like you and me.  These certainties, as Paul notes in verse 18, are to bring encouragement.  I shared with you 5 certain future events outlined in these paragraphs:  the Lord returns, the dead are raised, the living are raptured, a reunion occurs, and eternity begins.

Concerning the rapture, the common teaching of our day is that the Lord will return prior to 7 years of great tribulation on the earth and remove his followers via the rapture.  Following the tribulation, Christ will come to earth in His second coming to essentially end history and deal with the lost.

In this view the rapture is seen as a quiet affair.  Jesus comes, raises his dead followers, and takes his living followers with him back into the air.  The lost world “awakens” to find many missing people but no good explanation for their disappearance.

I once held this position.  However, the more I have examined the 1 Thessalonians passage as well as others, I do not see the “rapture” text as a quiet affair.  As I said yesterday, you must read INTO the text this quietness.  The Lord descends with a cry of command, the voice of an archangel, and the trumpet of God.

Speaking of trumpets, notice the following verses:

1 Thess. 4:16 – the Lord returns with the trumpet of God and raptures the living.

1 Cor. 15:51-52 – “Behold! I tell you a mystery.  We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised, imperishable, and we shall be changed.”

There is no doubt Paul is referring to the same event in these two letters.  It is the event we call the rapture.  So the trumpet call is the “last” trumpet call.

Now read Matthew 24:29-31 and note the presence of the trumpet call.  As I understand Scripture, the rapture of the living believer takes place at the Lord’s second coming, not some 7 years before it.

While we may disagree on this, two things we may agree on are these:  Jesus is coming back and ALL his followers will be forever with Him!

Pastor’s Postscripts

I am grateful for everyone who attended our service yesterday morning.  We are not a large congregation and, when two or more families are out of town on the same Sunday, their absence is keenly felt!  Furthermore, I appreciate the band leading us in singing despite missing 40% of their members!  And it was also a blessing to have Audrey back with us and even singing a special song as part of our worship service.  Thanks to each of you for utilizing your gifts in the service of Christ!

I’m certain many of you are sharing Christ with those who are lost and I encourage you to continue to do so.  But, if you seem to be making little progress, at least extend them and invitation to attend church with you on Sunday.  The Lord uses multiple methods for bringing His sheep into the Kingdom.  As Paul wrote, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”  Perhaps your testimony to your family, friends, and acquaintances is the planting.  And perhaps their attendance at church will be their watering.  Perhaps then God will be pleased to provide their growth into a child of God!

Autumn is now here and the holidays are rapidly approaching.  Please join us this Saturday for our annual bonfire, somewhat a mark of the approaching end of the year.  It’s always a good time of fellowship.

See you then or, at least, on Sunday!

September 30, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Bill Sugar, friends of the Diamonds, Lymphoma
* Brenda & Pete, health concerns.
* Special prayer for Zachary
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather) & Julie at Mizzou
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Ladies Book Study, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
2. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
3. Deacons’ Meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.
4. Bethesda Men’s Breakfast & Book Study,
Saturday, 8 a.m.
5. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
6. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. &
Deacon election
7. Discipleship Training (Elijah), Sunday,
5 p.m.

“The more a Christian knows of his religion, the better for his peace and for his happiness.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

As Pam noted yesterday, we exceeded our $500 goal for the Missouri Missions Offering.  We thank the Lord for the generous people of Bethesda Baptist Church!  Your giving will help spread the Word of the Lord throughout the state!

Deacon Election

I call your attention to the choosing of the first deacons in Acts 6.  Here is how Luke recorded this event:

Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty … And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose…

1.  The “brothers” (members of the church in Jerusalem) did the choosing.
2.  The men they chose were to be of good repute, full of the spirit, and full of wisdom.
3.  They chose men from among the congregation.
4.  By implication, some men were not chosen.

Given the size of the church in Jerusalem (thousands) there were surely more than 7 men who possessed the stated qualifications.  Just because a man was not chosen did not mean he was not qualified to serve at that time.

This Sunday we will do likewise.  Our membership will choose one man (not seven) to fill our open deacon position.  That man should be one of good repute, full of the spirit, and full of wisdom from our congregation.  Two such men have been nominated by our congregation for this position:  Dan Repperger and Steve Brook.  Our task is to seek the Lord’s will to discern which of these two men should be our 3rd deacon at this time.  As was the case in Jerusalem, whichever man is not chosen does not mean that man fails to meet the qualifications.  It simply means our church believes the Lord does not intend for him to serve as deacon at this time.

So I call on each member to pray about their vote this coming Sunday.  We are not engaged in a popularity contest.  Rather, we are seeking the Lord’s will for our church.  Both men are Biblically qualified to serve.  Both are willing to serve.  Choose the man you believe the Lord would have serve at this time in the life of our church.

Ladies’ Book Study

The next ladies book study begins TOMORROW (October 1) evening at 6:30 p.m.!

If you have an interest in being a part of this study and have not yet registered, call Pam DePriest and let her know.  If you forget to call Pam, just show up for the study!

“If Jesus wept at the graveside of his beloved friend Lazarus, his disciples are surely at liberty to do the same.”
John R. W. Stott

Pastor’s Postscripts

First, I have been asked why I did not deal with verses 15-18 yesterday.  Simply put, there’s just too much material in the paragraph for one message.  If the Lord wills, I’ll address those verses this coming Sunday morning.

Second, please make certain you read the article on our deacon election this coming Sunday.  This is an important day for our church and I want everyone “prayed up”!

Third, I am skipping the “Sermon Extra” section this week given the lack of space.  Since I am dealing with the same text next Sunday, we’ll share some extras on the passage in next week’s newsletter.

Fourth, Praise the Lord, we reached our church’s goal for the South Mission offering!  I am so grateful to the Lord for your willingness to give.  Thank you and may He bless your generosity!

Fifth, Ladies, your book study begins tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.  I’m certain Pam is ready to go and I hope you are.  Meet at the church at 6:30 p.m. and have a great study and a great time of fellowship!

Sixth, thank you, also, to those who attended our 5th Sunday Q & A session last night.  I enjoyed the time together and I hope I provided some reasonable answers to the questions which were asked.

Lastly, men, bring your breakfast on Saturday morning at 8 a.m. and join us for fellowship and study!

May the Lord grant you a great week!

September 23, 2013

Urgent Prayer Requests

* Bill Sugar, friends of the Diamonds, Lymphoma
* Brenda, more tests on her heart.  Also pray for Pete’s health.
* Zachary recovering from gall bladder surgery
* Cynthia Wordlaw, need for a kidney
* Dennis fighting kidney failure
* Sandy & Rachelle, working many hours (plus Rachelle is under the weather)
* Dan, health concerns
* Mueller family, Alicia’s pregnancy
* Marilynn Norvell
* Aaron Wordlaw and his arthritis
* Gene & Lois Schulze at home
* Mark & Julie Johnson and the situation with their Illinois home
* Julie away at school at Mizzou; pray she remains in good health
* Our church and need for revival

Upcoming Activities

1. Bible Study (Brief Books) and Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 p.m.
2. Sunday school, Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
3. Worship Service, Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
4. Discipleship Training (Elijah), Sunday,
5 p.m.
5.  5th Sunday Q & A Fellowship, Sunday,
6 p.m.

“It is amazing how much wisdom people have about other people’s affairs and so little interest in their own.”
A. T. Robertson

Sermon Extras

Verse 9 of chapter 4 reads:

“Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves HAVE BEEN taught by God to love one another.”

The phrase “taught by God” is actually one word, a word only used here in the New Testament.  As I mentioned in the message, it means the believer is taught by God via the indwelling Spirit to love one another.

I highlighted the words “have been” in the text.  The ESV reads as though this lesson from the Spirit is a past act, perhaps LONG past.  Actually, a better rendering would be “…you yourselves ARE taught by God…”.  Paul is telling us such teaching is an ever-present, continuous lesson of God’s Spirit throughout our sanctification.

Check out some other translations and notice which ones use the present tense “are” instead of “have been”.

Next Sunday is our last one for you to contribute to the Missouri Missions Offering for 2013.  Please seek the Lord for what He would have you give.


5th Sunday Q & A Fellowship

Sunday evening, September 29, marks our next 5th Sunday Q & A Fellowship.  We spend an hour munching on snacks while the pastor attempts to answer questions on the hearts and minds of our members.  Normally it is an informal hour of fellowship and I encourage you to attend even if you have no questions at this time.

If you would like to ask a question but prefer no one knows it is from you, simply write your question on a piece of paper and place it in the container on the table near the front door.  Also, if you are coming to the fellowship, please bring a snack and drink to share with others.

See you Sunday at 5pm for Discipleship Training and 6pm for our Q & A Fellowship!
Ladies’ Book Study

Our ladies begin a new book study in just over a week on Tuesday, October 1st.  The study is entitled “Duty or Delight?  Knowing where you stand with God” and will meet for 7 consecutive Tuesdays, each week at 6:30 p.m.

If you have an interest in being a part of this study and have not yet registered, I encourage you to do so by calling Pam DePriest so she will know how many books will be required.

Ladies, come and be a part of this fun and challenging study!

“Mutual love among Christians is an inbred quality.”


Pastor’s Postscripts

I want to share with you some specific prayer requests.

First, please pray for our Trustees: they have several items “on their plate” at the moment.  Foremost among them is the bringing of a proposal for a new church sign.  Pray they would have God’s wisdom to guide them in their selection so that our church ultimately has the proper sign at a reasonable price.

Second, pray for our church when we consider their proposal!  I suspect their recommendation will be made during the October business meeting in a couple of weeks.  Churches have split over matters such as carpets, pew Bibles, etc., and we do not want a church split over a new sign!  So, be in prayer that God will give each of us a discerning spirit but also a spirit of love as we consider the Trustees’ proposal.

Third, we are concluding the Missouri Mission Offering this Sunday.  Pray for wisdom on what the Lord wants you to give, then do so!  Also pray for our upcoming Operation Christmas Child effort which will begin in just a matter of weeks.

Finally, praise God for all the blessings He has poured out on our church these first 9 months of 2013!  He has sent numerous visitors. He has given us new members. He has blessed us with financial abundance.  He has inspired members to reach out to the lost.

What might He do in the last 3 months of 2013?!  PRAY!